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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LULLACRY   LULLACRY EmptyDim 5 Nov - 23:36

LULLACRY - Finnish Radio Interview Available
LULLACRY 54341wf7
LULLACRY vocalist Tanja and Sami Vauhkonen recently did an interview on the Finnish radio program Ylex. The eleven minute interview is available . It is conducted in Finnish only.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LULLACRY   LULLACRY EmptySam 30 Déc - 19:42

LULLACRY - "It's Easier To Write When It's Dark Outside"

LULLACRY T57622 LULLACRY guitarist Sami Vauhkonen has posted the following diary entry on the band's official web site:

"Chapter one - It's getting dark...

Boys and girls! Now it's time get in some action! For me it's always been easier to write music when it's dark outside. Yeah, I know you´re looking the damn picture and mumbling that it's not soooo fuckin´ dark! But hey, you get better pictures in the daytime.

The end of the year has been VERY dark here in Finland, so it has given me much energy, strong and darkful, to start working with the next master/disasterpiece, whaterver it will be called. Now it's too early to (not too early for a cocktail) say what kind of music my twisted bloody mind will bring ya, but as every time I do my best to keep it heavy and melodic. I have couple of heavy rockin' tunes which can be described as OPETH playing the next PAUL STANLEY solo album, which includes the songs of Avril Lavigne, which are written by Dave Wyndorf of MONSTER MAGNET.

This time we might hear more music from the whole lovely group. Tanja, Sauli, heavy and well... Jukka has also said he's been doing some shit lately.. We'll see what's going on with the drummer.

More beer,

Catch Lullacry live at the STREAM OF PASSION show on January 19th at Nosturi in Helsinki, Finland.
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