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 Freddie Mercury (QUEEN )

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Freddie Mercury (QUEEN ) Empty
MessageSujet: Freddie Mercury (QUEEN )   Freddie Mercury (QUEEN ) EmptyMer 8 Nov - 21:43

Late QUEEN Frontman FREDDIE MERCURY's Life Story To Be Hollywood Film; We Will Rock You Musical To Open In Toronto In March
Freddie Mercury (QUEEN ) 54549hn9
E Canada Now ( ) report:

The legendary Queen frontman - famous for such hits as ‘We Are The Champions’ and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ - tragically died of AIDS in 1991 and now his former bandmate Brian May has revealed a biopic about his troubled life is on the way.

The guitarist told Britain’s Daily Express newspaper: “There is a film in the pipeline and we’re all involved in it. I’m not allowed to say much about it and casting isn’t finalised but we’ve had some incredible offers to play Freddie. Really incredible.”

May has also lifted the lid on his next project, a new album with Queen drummer Roger Taylor.

It will be the first Queen record of new material since Mercury’s untimely death.

May said, “It’s going really well. Is there a track which will be a tribute to Freddie? Well, we’re just writing what we want at the moment but it’s all a tribute to Freddie. I mean, without him, we wouldn’t be here.”

The rock band’s back catalogue is already the inspiration for long-running West End musical ‘We Will Rock You’ and recently a TV documentary, ‘Freddie Mercury: A Kind Of Magic’, was aired to commemorate what would have been the singer’s 60th birthday.

In other Queen news, Mirvish Productions plan to open We Will Rock You at the Canon Theatre (Toronto, ON) on March 14th, 2007. Tickets go on sale on November 20th.

Full details can be found at this location.
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