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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: FATAL SMILE   FATAL SMILE EmptyMer 22 Nov - 1:16

FATAL SMILE Not Supporting W.A.S.P. In Spain

FATAL SMILE T55344 Swedish metallers FATAL SMILE have issued the following brief message:

"The Fatals will NOT be supporting W.A.S.P. in Spain as announced. Sorry for that, but they're hoping to get back to Spain again soon..."

As previously reported, the band are currently writing new songs for the forthcoming album, which is due in early 2007. Says the band, "The album seems to be heavier and angrier than the previous ones, so prepare for some heavy duty when The Fatals are delivering the goods..."

New track titles include:
'Black Light Morning ',
'Root Of All Evil',
'Out Of My System',
'Burn Baby Burn',
'Lost Majesty',
'God Bless The Lies',
'Electric Storm',
'United Circus',
'…By The End Of The Day',
'When Heaven Falls Down',
'Deadly Hoax',
'Twist Of Fate',
'Manic Luxury
Magic Pleasures'.

Stay tuned for further details.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: FATAL SMILE   FATAL SMILE EmptyJeu 25 Jan - 1:13

FATAL SMILE Ink Deal With Locomotive Music; Neo Natural

Freaks To Be Released In North America Next Month
Sweden's FATAL SMILE have issued the following update:

"The Fatals have signed a worldwide deal with Locomotive Music and will be releasing the Neo Natural Freaks album in the US on February 20th.

The US distribution will be handled by Warner Music.

Cheers, The Fatals..."

Tracks on Neo Natural Freaks
'Black Light Morning',
'Root Of All Evil',
'Out Of My System',
'Burn Baby Burn',
'Lost Majesty',
'God Bless The Lies',
'Electric Storm',
'United Circus',
'…By The End Of The Day',
'When Heaven Falls Down',
'Deadly Hoax',
'Twist Of Fate',
'Manic Luxury & Magic Pleasures'.
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