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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: VOIVOD   VOIVOD EmptyMer 6 Déc - 21:32

VOIVOD - Video Interview With Télé-Québec's Méchant Contraste! Available Online

Back in October, Télé-Québec program Méchant Contraste! spoke with VOIVOD frontman Denis "Snake" Belanger. The video interview is now available for viewing online at this location.

Voivod released their new album, Katorz, this summer on The End Records. The album was recently released as a limited edition vinyl pressing available exclusively through The End Records’ mail-order.

The beautiful gatefold 180gm vinyl comes in color format and also includes special artwork and packaging designed by Michel “Away” Langevin. The album was done with full cooperation from the band. The release is limited to 1,000 copies: 400 clear vinyl, 400 red vinyl and 200 black vinyl.

For more information, go here.
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