Nous sommes au regret de vous annoncer que G C ne pourra se produire au raismesfest, malgré leur volonté .
En effet, ils tournaient avec Tristana , et ces derniers ont annulé la tournée.
Du fait, le Raismesfest devient une date isolée pour G C et malgré leur désir d'y jouer, nous ne pouvons subvenir a un défraiement complet, faute de moyens...
Le lendemain du Raismesfest, Green Carnation devait entamer une tournée européenne en support de TRISTANIA & METALLYSEE...
There will be slight changes to Green Carnation's tour of Europe with Tristania in September. Metallysee, who are booking the tour, have informed that new countries might be added shortly, and that they are working hard to make the tour available to even more people in Europe. Meanwhile, Green Carnation are working hard on confirming one or two mini-tours in Europe during the summer.
- I hope that we can have this sorted as soon as possible. But we are also awaiting to see which new countries Metallysee will have for us before making any decisions, GC singer Kjetil Nordhus says.
... Cependant TRISTANIA a annulé cette tournée
The September tour is cancelled due to outside issues. Vibeke will be finishing her education as a teacher, in addition to which she will be working as a teacher while studying. Thus, this makes it difficult for her to do long tours at the moment. Finishing off her education is something she has postponed for a long time due to her duties with Tristania – and she feels it is finally time to do it. We, as a band, are sorry for this cancellation, but promise to return in force when the new album is released.
Le groupe Remplacant sera donc : Stereo Typical Working Class