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 John Lawton

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

John Lawton Empty
MessageSujet: John Lawton   John Lawton EmptyLun 29 Jan - 23:31

John Lawton Joins Campaign In Support Of Bulgarian Nurses In Libya

John Lawton T59306 According to, singer John Lawton (ex-LUCIFER'S FRIEND, URIAH HEEP) has joined the campaign called “You Are Not Alone” in support of the Bulgarian nurses sentenced to death in Libya on charges of having deliberately infected more than 400 Libyan children with the HIV virus. The official website of JOHN LAWTON BAND ( ), has published the call “Freedom For Bulgarian Nurses in Libya.” It is followed by these words: “The Mayor of Kavarna, Mr Tsonev, is doing his best to create awareness for the plight of the Bulgarian nurses, held captive in Libya since 1999. At the recent DIO show in Kavarna, Ronnie wore a ribbon to show his support! Mr Tsonev is asking other bands (incl. JLB) that he has promoted and brought to Bulgaria, to do like-wise.”

Here is a link to the site , where one can read more about the campaign in Bulgarian, Russian, Spanish and Greek.
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