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 Nuclear Blast

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Nuclear Blast   Nuclear Blast EmptyMer 14 Fév - 2:24

Nuclear Blast To Present New Releases At Greek Club

Nuclear Blast Records reports:

Nuclear Blast 60315vz5
“Blasting Your Ears...

Every third Saturday of each month, Nuclear Blast Records will be bringing you all the latest releases of the label’s recording artists, in an audiovisual presentation that’ll also blend malevolently together with all the goodies we’ve released for the last 20 years!

Nuclear Blast’s DJ set will be taking place at Athens’ Texas Club (56 Ippokratous Str), at the upper hall and everyone’s invited to come blast some ears together!

1st Blasting Your Ears night: Saturday, February 17th.

Brand new stuff we’ll be playing:

- KATAKLYSM – Live In Deutschland DVD
- ECHOES OF ETERNITY – The Forgotten Goddess
- SIRENIA – Nine Destinies And A Downfall
- MENDEED – The Dead Live By Blood
- CHIMAIRA – Resurrection
- New videos from the bands SIRENIA, CHIMAIRA, TAROT, MENDEED, MNEMIC and many others!!!

The next Blasting Your Ears night (March 17th) will feature new releases (CD or DVD) by THRESHOLD, RAGE, THUNDERSTONE plus a DEATHSTARS warm-up party for the band’s Athenian show that’ll take place the next evening!!!

Be there for the Blast!
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