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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: ALLEN -- LANDE II   ALLEN -- LANDE II EmptyVen 23 Mar - 20:25

L'enregistrement du 2eme album de Jorn Lande et Russell Allena a commençé courant aout. Une fois de plus Magnus Karlsson (Last Tribe, Starbreaker) a écrit quelques morceaux bien adaptés à la personnalité des 2 chanteurs. Le titre de l'album est The Revenge et les morceaux seront "Victory", "The Revenge", "Who Can You Trust", "Wake Up Call", "Gone Too Far", "Under The Waves". L'art work de la pochette sera aussi de Rodney Matthews (Diamond Head, Magnum, Praying Mantis etc.). Sortie prévue courant 2007.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ALLEN -- LANDE II   ALLEN -- LANDE II EmptyVen 23 Mar - 20:26

c'est pour le 11 mai :


The Revenge (vocals: Jorn and Russell);
Obsessed (Russell);
Victory (Jorn and Russell);
Master Of Sorrow (Jorn);
Will You Follow (Russell);
Just A Dream (Jorn and Russell);
Her Spell (Jorn);
Gone Too Far (Russell);
Wake Up Call (Jorn and Russell);
Under The Waves (Jorn);
Who Can You Trust (Jorn and Russell);
When Time Doesn't Heal (Jorn and Russell). ALLEN -- LANDE II Allenlande-therevenge-full
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ALLEN -- LANDE II   ALLEN -- LANDE II EmptyJeu 12 Avr - 22:22

4 morceaux en écoute sur le nouveau myspace ouvert pour l'occasion, soyez dans les premiers à en profitter, une trentaine d'écoutes pour l'instant, c'est ici :

ALLEN -- LANDE II L_f22010b5f9fda8bb0df82c9bc4e47c34
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ALLEN -- LANDE II   ALLEN -- LANDE II EmptyJeu 12 Avr - 22:23

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ALLEN -- LANDE II   ALLEN -- LANDE II EmptyMer 18 Avr - 21:01

ALLEN/LANDE Guitarist/Producer Magnus Karlsson Runs Through The Revenge, Track By Track

Magnus Karlsson - songwriter, guitarist and producer of the forthcoming second album from ALLEN/LANDE, The Revengem due out on Frontiers Records on May 11th - has issued the following track by track comments on the songs featured on the album:

'The Revenge': "This is the first song I wrote for this album. I wanted to write something that invites the listener to an album that continues were The Battle ended but at the same time take it to another level. It’s not only in the song writing you can hear the difference, both Jörn and Russell shows a more powerful and rougher side this time."

'Obsessed': "My favourite at the moment. A heavy one with Russell on the vocals. The singers got to choose what solo songs they wanted to do and I must say this was a perfect pick for Russell. He sounds greater than ever : ) ."

'Victory': "I didn’t think much of this song in the beginning but it came out as one of the best songs in the end (it happens quite often). A duet that starts with a little beep rhythm that the whole song is built around."

'Master Of Sorrow': "This is simply the best ballad I ever written and Jörn does an outstanding job on the vocals. I was sure Jörn was going to choose this one and he did : ) It is made for his voice."

'Will You Follow': "I wanted to do something like 'Hunters Night' from The Battle and this is it. A up tempo song with Russell."

'Just A Dream': "A duet with a progressive touch. This is not meant to be a progressive album at all but sometimes I can’t help myself. I love to mix in acoustic instruments in a heavy song and this is a good example of that."

'Her Spell': "A up tempo solo song with Jörn that almost has a power metal sound in the chorus. I prefer to not talk to much about my lyrics but I must mention that this one have to do with marriage... and I wouldn’t let my wife hear it : ) ."

'Gone Too Far': "Also a real favourite with Russell. This is far away from the style we are used to hear Russell in but he does this style fantastic as well."

'Wake Up Call': "This duet came out great. I love it when the singers sound this angry. You can hear some Celtic influences here. If you don’t wake up to this one I don’t know what to do : ) ."

'Under The Waves': "A heavy song with Jörn. A great example of mixing soft piano with heavy guitars that I like so much."

'Who Can You Trust': "I have listened a lot to Within Temptation lately and got inspiration to do a really heavy song with a lot of choirs and strings like they have. It didn’t end up sounding like them but that’s how I got started."

'When Time Doesn't Heal': "The second ballad on this album that is a duet. Once more Jörn and Russell shows that they can sing what style they want and it always sounds fantastic. I wanted to have a lot of acoustic guitars on this album but I’m afraid that the most of them ended up on this song."

Streaming of four songs from the album can be heard at this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ALLEN -- LANDE II   ALLEN -- LANDE II EmptyLun 28 Mai - 22:00

ALLEN/LANDE Guitarist/Producer Magnus Karlsson: "To Me The Revenge Is A Step Up From The Battle In Every Way"

ALLEN -- LANDE II T66727 Spanish webzine Hall Of Metal has issued an exclusive interview with Magnus Karlsson - songwriter, guitarist and producer of the new album from ALLEN/LANDE, The Revenge, conducted by Jorge del Amo.

The following is an excerpt:

Q: If you agree, we’ll begin to talk about The Revenge, in Hallofmetal we said that it will be one of the albums of the year, seeing the success of The Battle? What will the fans find in this revenge?

A: "To me The Revenge is a step up from The Battle" in every way. It still offers 3 solo songs each and 6 duets and the singers sound more angry and powerful this time and that’s exactly what I want : ) On the first album I didn’t know from the start who was going to sing the songs but I knew it this time and it worked better for me to write that way. And I think this album contains some of the best guitar work I ever done."

Read the full interview at this location.
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