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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: THE ETERNAL   THE ETERNAL EmptyLun 9 Avr - 13:52

lineup :

Mark Kelson: Guitar and Vocals
Terry Vainoras: Guitar and Backing Vocals
Chris Stevenson: Keyboards and Programming
James O'Toole: Bass Guitar and Backing Vocals
Marty O'Shea: Drums

Ils ont mis en ligne "Without Reason" enregistré par Endel Rivers and Mark Kelson. Il fera partie du prochain album : Kartika, les autres morceaux seront :
"Brighter Day",
"I've Seen The Dream Through Someone Else's Eyes",
"Sunshine" and "Inside The Grey".

Ce sera leur 3eme album

THE ETERNAL L_49feff3ba5d93fbfa85ec440d4cda30d
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: THE ETERNAL   THE ETERNAL EmptyMar 7 Aoû - 0:41

la tournée est finie et la pre production de l'album aussi,

Le message du groupe :

"After an enjoyable and successful European tour we are back home! After the European tour, singer/guitarist Mark Kelson went on to do six weeks touring in the USA as a session guitarist for VIRGIN BLACK, so the rest of THE ETERNAL had a well earned break.

"We would like to thank all those that made our time in Europe very enjoyable, Musketeer of Death, Negative Art and Nemesis Promotions most of all for making all the shows happen, and of course all our fans that made it to the shows! With any luck you will see us again next year with a new album under our belts! To celebrate our return we will be doing a hometown show on August 17 at The Arthouse in Melbourne with TEARGAS, THRESHOLDS OF VENGEANCE and IMMERSION. We will not be doing to many shows for the rest of the year, so that we may focus on recording our new album. So please come down and spend an evening with us!

"Well, pre-production for the new album, with the working title 'Kartika' is almost complete. 16 songs are written and at this stage it looks if the band will be using Adelaide engineer Ian Miller alongside Mark Kelson to handle production duties. The band aim to head to Adelaide by November to lay down drums and should be tracking the rest of the album in Melbourne, Australia. At this stage we have not decided what label we will work with for 'Kartika'."
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