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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMer 18 Avr - 19:48

TARJA TURUNEN - Working Title Of New Album Revealed

Former NIGHTWISH singer TARJA TURUNEN has issued the following update:

"With renewed energy after some holidays I am 100% working in the new album at the moment. I have now a very difficult task ahead: to decide only a bunch of songs that will make it to the final album. With so many excellent songs I have to choose from, it won’t be so easy. Maybe we should consider doing a double album...

As I already started to do last year, I am now making more demos to see how I feel with the songs and how the songs fit with me. Some of them make me chills already even though we are still very far away from the sound we are looking for the album!

In May I will start recording some definitive vocals. All the people involved, producers, musicians, programmers and choir and orchestra arrangers are very excited and overloaded with things to do!

We are all working without hurry, but at the same time, without breaks. Is amazing to see how the songs are coming alive in ways that I haven’t experienced before.

I wanted to contact you now to inform the working title of my album. I hope you’ll find it nice and that it will help you to generate some images in your minds of what will come.

It has a very deep and dear meaning to me that I will explain to you all a bit later. As well, as soon as I have more information to give to you, I’ll write it here in my web page.

The album will be called: My Winter Storm."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyVen 27 Avr - 20:12

TARJA TURUNEN To Appear At International Book Fair In Argentina

Former NIGHTWISH singer TARJA TURUNEN will visit the stands of Finland, Sweden and Norway at the International Book Fair in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Invited by the Finnish Embassy in Argentina, Turunen will visit stand #2315 - yellow hall, on May 3rd at 20:00.

As previously reported, Turunen has confirmed the following working title for her upcoming solo album: My Winter Storm. In a recent update she revealed: "I am 100% working in the new album at the moment. I have now a very difficult task ahead: to decide only a bunch of songs that will make it to the final album. With so many excellent songs I have to choose from, it won’t be so easy. Maybe we should consider doing a double album. As I already started to do last year, I am now making more demos to see how I feel with the songs and how the songs fit with me. Some of them make me chills already even though we are still very far away from the sound we are looking for the album! In May, I will start recording some definitive vocals. All the people involved, producers, musicians, programmers and choir and orchestra arrangers are very excited and overloaded with things to do!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyJeu 8 Nov - 20:40

BW&BK Presents Two Weeks Of TARJA TURUNEN - New Track From My Winter Storm Streaming Now!


TARJA TURUNEN is about to launch her new album, My Winter Storm, via Universal Music on November 19th in Europe and the 20th in North America. This is her first solo venture following the much-publicized split with her former band NIGHTWISH. BW&BK is exclusively presenting her entire new album - one day at a time! We will be previewing each track from My Winter Storm over the next 14 days.

Just click on the link under Brave Tunes (left-hand-side of to hear today's track.

My Winter Storm tracklisting:
Missa Est'/'I Walk Alone',
'Lost Northern Star',
'Seeking For The Reign'/'The Reign',
'The Escape Of The Doll'/'My Little Pheonix',
'Boy And The Ghost',
'Sing For Me',
'Our Great Divide',
'Sunset'/'Damned And Divine',
'Minor Heaven',
'Ciaran's Swell', 'Calling Grace'.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMar 13 Nov - 23:38

TARJA TURUNEN Street Team Seeks Members Worldwide

TARJA TURUNEN T77551 TARJA TURUNEN (ex-NIGHTWISH) now has a Street Team in place. The mission of the members is spreading flyers on the internet and on the streets. So far, the street team has promoted Tarja in the UK, but it will expand and it needs members from all the world.The most active members will receive special thanks for the team and maybe even from Tarja!

For more info or to join, go to this location.

Tarja is about to launch her new album, My Winter Storm, via Universal Music on November 19th in Europe and the 20th in North America. This is her first solo venture following the much-publicized split with her former band Nightwish. BW&BK is exclusively presenting her entire new album - one day at a time! We will be previewing each track from My Winter Storm over the next 14 days.

Just click on the link under Brave Tunes (left-hand-side of to hear today's track.

My Winter Storm tracklisting:
'Ite, Missa Est'/'I Walk Alone',
'Lost Northern Star',
'Seeking For The Reign'/'The Reign',
'The Escape Of The Doll'/'My Little Pheonix',
'Boy And The Ghost',
'Sing For Me', 'Oasis',
'Our Great Divide',
'Sunset'/'Damned And Divine',
'Minor Heaven',
'Ciaran's Swell',
'Calling Grace'.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyDim 18 Nov - 17:51

ELLE présenté son single à la TV finlandaise,
voici la video de la TV,

Former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen performed her new single, "I Walk Alone", on the Finnish show "Huuma" on MTV3 last night (Saturday, November 17). The playback performance (with Tarja and her band playing along to a pre-recorded track) can be viewed here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMar 20 Nov - 18:10

TARJA TURUNEN - "Being A Young Girl In A Small Village, I Was Always Singing Everywhere I Went..."

TARJA TURUNEN T77880 has posted a recent interview with TARJA TURUNEN (ex-NIGHTWISH) in which they discuss her musical upbringing, Nightwish and her new album Winter Storm. The following is an excerpt from the discussion: I'm Going to try and avoid the usual Nightwish questions; I can imagine you get hundreds of interviews about it. You have a new album, Winter Storm, to be released very shortly which we are all looking forward to hearing, and we're looking forward to seeing more of you as a solo artist. You started singing from a very young age, were you family very supportive about your decision to sing?
Tarja: "I was always such a happy child as, being a young girl in a small village, I was always singing everywhere I went so they always knew I loved it. They sent me to piano lessons and were always pushing me to do the best I could and driving me to bigger cities four/five times a week to perform." Were your parents musical at all?
Tarja: "We were always a musical family, but they were not professionally involved in music. My mother would play piano and we
would all sit round it singing so we were a very noisy family." You fell into Nightwish quite quickly, and signed after your first single in 1997. Was metal something you thought about before or saw yourself doing?
Tarja: "My brother played guitar and was very much into hard rock so I was aware of it. All my studies were in classical music and I decided I wanted to explore more and my teachers were always pushing me to discover something new. I was only at University for half a year before I joined Nightwish. We already knew each other and we took it as a challenge. We went to the studio very soon and it was a bit more different than my family expected but it was really something magical music wise." It's great that you had the support form your teachers and family. You did a lot of tours with Nightwish, sometimes away for three months at a time. What's it like for a woman on the road with all male bands? Did you ever go groupie hunting?
Tarja: "Ha! No, no. I didn't go groupie hunting. I was the only girl at my school and I had older brothers so I was very used to just
spending time with men only but I did miss speaking to girls. My phone bills were huge after a tour as I was ringing all my girlie friends back home. I had to make sure I took real good care of myself on tour as it was so easy to get sick with travelling in and out of different climates and if one of the crew got sick we all did. So that was the difficult part not the men."

To read the interview in its entirety, head to this location.

My Winter Storm is out now via Universal Music. BW&BK is exclusively presenting her entire new album - one day at a time! We will be previewing each track from My Winter Storm over the next 14 days. Just click on the link under Brave Tunes (left-hand-side of to hear today's track.

My Winter Storm tracklisting:
'Ite, Missa Est'/'I Walk Alone',
'Lost Northern Star',
'Seeking For The Reign'/'The Reign',
'The Escape Of The Doll'/'My Little Pheonix',
'Boy And The Ghost',
'Sing For Me',
'Our Great Divide',
'Sunset'/'Damned And Divine',
'Minor Heaven',
'Ciaran's Swell',
'Calling Grace'.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyJeu 22 Nov - 2:59

TARJA TURUNEN To Perform At Kummit Christmas Concert 2007

TARJA TURUNEN (ex-NIGHTWISH) has issued the following update:

"Kummit concert is a charity concert to collect money for hospitalized children and for young people and children's psychiatric treatments support.

The concert will be held at 7 PM in Helsinki Jäähalli on November 21st.

Following artists will perform there: Tarja Turunen, Katri Ylander, Kristian Meurman, Antti Tuisku, Geir Rönning and The Giant Leap, Natasha Marsh, RyanDan.

Tarja is very happy to be able to contribute and will perform from her new album My Winter Storm the first single, 'I Walk Alone'.

The concert will be broadcasted in Finland through MTV3 channel in two parts: 1st part at 8 - 9 PM on December 13th and 2nd part at 8:15 - 9 PM on December 23rd.

More information at .
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMar 27 Nov - 18:41

TARJA TURUNEN Kicks Off My Winter Storm Tour - "The First Show In Berlin Was Just Great!!"

TARJA TURUNEN T78396 Former NIGHTWISH singer TARJA TURUNEN kicked of her first solo tour in Berlin, Germany at Columbia Club on November 25th - the tour is in support of her debut solo effort, My Winter Storm, that was released recently by Universal Music worldwide. She has issued the following road update:

"The first show in Berlin was just great!! Everybody in the band including myself was really nervous. Is normal that in the first show some things are not really working yet. We were ready to have a total catastrophe in the middle of the concert, but luckily it didn’t happen! I sensed that the audience was really listening everything carefully and I got the feeling that they enjoyed the show. That makes me very happy and delighted.

There was a good spirit.

It was funny to see the entire band including two drum sets in a small stage! But our crew managed to make us fit there…

I am sure that things are getting better from now on. As for the first show, Berlin was amazing beginning for us.

Thanks so much for all the nice and wonderful persons in the audience. I felt your support and love. You made a bit difficult for me to continue singing at some points during the concert. Just to bring down the myth that German people is cold. I think you were great and very, very warm.

I also had a nice dinner with VIP guests’ night before the Berlin concert and I got to see them after the concert too. They seemed to be happy with everything. We took some crazy pictures together, I guess you’ll see them somewhere later on

I saw already some amazing photos from the show taken from fans in different forums and fan pages. I though it was going to be easy to choose the good ones from the not so good, but I am sure I was wrong… It will be a very hard task to select the best ones. But that will be a part of a contest later on. Hopefully the photos from the next shows are as good as the ones from Berlin.

Yesterday I had another dinner here in Budapest and we shared very nice evening with people from Slovenia, Hungary, Romania and Austria.

At the moment I am concentrating for tonight’s show. Let’s see how it goes…

I am wishing to have the same feeling that I have always felt when performing for Hungarian audience. They are welcoming the artists very warmly here.

I’ll get back to you soon."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMer 28 Nov - 22:55

TARJA TURUNEN Blog Entry Available

Former NIGHTWISH singer TARJA TURUNEN kicked of her first solo tour in Berlin, Germany at Columbia Club on November 25th - the tour is in support of her debut solo effort, My Winter Storm, that was released recently by Universal Music worldwide. She has issued the following road update:

"Good morning!

I woke up this morning and the first thing I remembered was the beautiful concert of yesterday.

I now feel in my body that something has driven over me, because every muscle hurts. Maybe too much head banging…

The truth is that I start to feel how different it is for me to perform with this band. How different, relaxed and free I can feel on the stage.

The set list of the concert is very challenging for the band and they are really giving their best. They seem to enjoy the music very much, what it is the most important thing.

Little by little we are all getting into the songs and into the show itself.

I was yesterday talking with Maria and Heidi that all this will end soon. Only 8 concerts are left and we will truly miss this feeling of being happy together. The atmosphere within the group is just amazingly good.

I have never felt like this before.

Already we are looking forward for the tour next year and I am sure it will be GREAT. I started to make some plans and to think about the songs that we will perform in the future.

I have read and heard that some of you are missing 'The Reign', 'Die Alive' and 'Minor Heaven'… For sure in the future they will be a part of our concerts. Is very comforting to see that all the songs from the album found people that loves them. Also some old favourites that we are not doing now will be heard as well.

But now, we cannot play for 3 hours.

Hungarian audience gave me what I was expecting and lot more. We had beautiful lights on stage; a bit more space to run around and the whole band felt more relaxed already. Even though it was only the second show so far!

Thank you Budapest, Hungary for making us happy.

Today we are heading to Karlsruhe, Germany.

I am looking forward to see my old school friends, walk around the city and get back the memories from my school times there.

I like Karlsruhe very much.

To share with Regina her last fight will be of course the highlight of that visit.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for her.

Take care.

With love, Tarja."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptySam 1 Déc - 0:30


TARJA TURUNEN Enters German Charts At #3 With My Winter Storm

TARJA TURUNEN My Winter Storm album has entered Germany's Media Control chart in the #3 position. The album debuted on Finland's album charts at #1, gaining Gold certification in that country.

As previously reported, a photo gallery from the Budapest, Hungary stop on Tarja's first solo tour is available at this location.

All ten shows on the former NIGHTWISH singer's current warm-up tour have been declared 'photograph friendly'. Anybody wanting to take photos will be permitted. The band are also offering VIP packages on the tour, which include early door access for the shows and a dinner (breakfast in Paris) with Tarja backstage after the show. Packages are enhanced with exclusive merchandise and commemorative laminates.

To get one of the remaining VIP Packages, send an email to including your telephone number. You will be contacted immediately . First come first served basis.

The VIP Packages situation is the following:

2 - Moscow, Russia - one available
8 - Kuusankoski, Finland - still available
10 - Cologne, Germany - still available
11 - Paris, France - still available
13 - Amsterdam, Holland - one available
15 - Athens, Greece - still available
18 - Zurich, Switzerland - sold out
20 - London, UK - sold out

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyDim 2 Déc - 4:59

TARJA TURUNEN Checks In From Moscow

Former NIGHTWISH singer TARJA TURUNEN has issued the following update:

"Hi and greetings from Moscow!

Yesterday the last fight of Regina Halmich was a big success for her. It was for me the first time to follow female boxers so closely during the match. They really are so tough…

Thank you Regina for this nice experience and all the best for your future. May the lucky stars shine upon you.

It was also great to be in Karlsruhe again. I got to see some of my friends, my old singing teacher and visit the Christmas market in the Centrum.

It was very nice to enjoy Glûhwein and Bratwurst! Has been too long since. I was very happy in Karlsruhe when I was studying there, so now it was good to come back in the memories and time.

The band seemed to enjoy it also. Everybody was telling me that they could really understand why I chose to study here and not in another city. The city is beautiful and quiet.

Now we are in Moscow, Russia. Everybody is happy to be here. For Doug, Alex and Toni this is their first visit in Russia

I have been telling them how great the audience has always been for me in Russia. Local people are welcoming us very enthusiastically here.

Just returned from the VIP dinner. Of course, with several dozens of beautiful flowers. Russian people are always very keen on giving flowers as a present, what it is really very welcome.

The show is tomorrow so I am going to have some rest now.

I am sure the show will be awesome. It is cold, but the snow makes everything beautiful."

As previously reported (and mentioned above) Turunen performed her new single, 'I Walk Alone', last night (Friday, November 30) at the farewell bout of German female boxing champion Regina Halmich. The event took place at the DM Arena in Karlsruhe, Germany. Turunen's performance can be viewed below.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMer 5 Déc - 2:32

Vote For TARJA TURUNEN's Dress As "Best" At Finnish Independence Day Party; Interview/Footage From Marimekko Fashion Show


Metal From Finland reports:

"You can vote for TARJA TURUNEN's dress as the "Best" from the Finnish Independence Day party (2004).

Click here and add the dot next to Tarja's picture.

Then it asks for an optional comment (kommentti), your nickname (nimimerkki), your gender mies=male, nainen=female, your age (ikä) and then press 'Lähetä!' And you're good to go!"

Another message reads: "A new interview with Tarja and a short video from her performance at the Marimekko fashion show can be watched here."

Tarja's new album, My Winter Storm, will be released in North America on February 26th, 2008. The CD was produced by Daniel Presley (FAITH NO MORE, JEWEL, THE BREEDERS).

My Winter Storm recently entered Germany's Media Control chart in the #3 position. The album debuted on Finland's album charts at #1, gaining Gold certification in that country.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyVen 7 Déc - 19:37

TARJA TURUNEN To Perform At 90th Anniversary Of Finland's Independence Concert

Former NIGHTWISH singer TARJA TURUNEN is scheduled to perform as part of the 90th anniversary of Finland's Independence on December 6th, 2007. The event is scheduled to take place at Tapiola LänsiAuto Areena with Tapiola Sinfonietta conducted by Tuomas Hannikainen. Tarja will perform a program consisting of several different versions of the Finnish National song 'Maamme (Our Land)'. Some of the versions have never been performed before. The concert will be broadcasted live on Finnish YLE TV2 at 15:45 Finnish time.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyLun 17 Déc - 15:17

TARJA TURUNEN Films New Video; Photos Available

Former NIGHTWISH singer TARJA TURUNEN has filmed a video for her next single, 'Die Alive'. Photos from the shoot can be found here. Turunen's new album, My Winter Storm, is out now via Universal Music. Watch Turunen's 'I Walk Alone' video below
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMer 19 Déc - 19:06

TARJA TURUNEN - US Release Date For My Winter Storm Announced

TARJA TURUNEN, the exceptionally gifted Finnish vocalist and multi-instrumentalist who rose to worldwide prominence as the voice and face of chart-topping, multi-platinum, symphonic metal band NIGHTWISH, is set to unveil her wildly-anticipated solo debut My Winter Storm. An ambitious, adventurous musical foray, My Winter Storm sees TARJA zealously interfuse the worlds of metal / hard rock, opera and atmospheric soundtrack. Fontana International unveils two exclusive U.S. versions on February 26, 2008.

Tarja is esteemed worldwide, not only for her siren-like vocals and striking stage presence, but also for seamlessly joining musical genres which, at first glance, might seem poles apart. Born in Kitlee, Finland, Tarja began to study music at the age of six; she is a classically trained opera singer, a product of one of Europe's largest conservatories, Finland's prestigious Sibelius Academy.

As Nightwish frontwoman for nearly a decade, Tarja has graced the covers of hundreds of publications worldwide. The band is oft cited as instrumental in the development and popularization of symphonic metal. Now, this genre is highly and unmistakably influential in the metal sphere, particularly for female-fronted rock acts the world over.

My Winter Storm establishes Tarja as a credible solo artist; she boldly breaks out on her own while continuing to lead the genre. Tarja has delivered an album brimming with ambience, grandeur, purity of voice and quality of material. From classical orchestration to full guitar skronk, My Winter Storm is a record full of contrast and shifting mood. My Winter Storm is an album conceived to deliver not just those elements that drew the devotion of v's established fans, but different tangents and textures which broaden the scope of her appeal.

Just released in v's native Finland, My Winter Storm was certified Gold on the day of release, topping the Finnish music charts at #1. The album simultaneously debuted at #3 on the German rock charts. Led by the first single, 'I Walk Alone' (inspired by Mozart’s celebrated ‘Requiem') and produced by Daniel Presley (JEWEL, FAITH NO MORE, THE BREEDERS), My Winter Storm adds an extra dimension to Tarja's already expansive approach, using movie soundtracks rather than traditional rock recordings as its palette. Also to note: Tarja’s blinding re-interpretation of ALICE COOPER’s ‘Poison.’

Working alongside Hans Zimmer, world famous Academy Award, Grammy and Golden Globe award-winning film score composer in his Los Angeles-based Remote Control Studios, Tarja was able to realize the vision she hoped her forward-thinking solo material would illustrate. Known for his composed music for many major motion picture blockbusters such as The Lion King, Rain Man, The Preacher's Wife and Gladiator, Zimmer and Tarja together crafted her long-held musical dreams into an exciting reality. Arranger and composer James ‘Jim’ Dooley handled the album's choral and orchestral recordings, while Slamm Andrews, fresh from working on The Simpsons Movie, took charge of the mix.

Backing Tarja on My Winter Storm are the talents of a truly stellar line-up of musicians, including acclaimed bassist Doug Wimbish (LIVING COLOUR, ANNIE LENNOX, JOE SATRIANI, JEFF BECK, MADONNA, ROLLING STONES), guitarist Alex Scholpp, keyboardist / programmer Torsten Stenzel (NELLY FURTADO, MOBY, TINA TURNER, VANESSA MAE) and drummer / percussionist Earl Harvin (SEAL, PET SHOP BOYS, AIR) - a player personally selected by Tarja after she witnessed him steal the spotlight on tour with Seal.

Fontana International will release My Winter Storm in both standard and deluxe editions (exclusive U.S. version features extra tracks not released elsewhere, as well visually stimulating bonus DVD content). Until then, a very limited quantity of My Winter Storm Imports (at a Domestic price) are available for purchase at The End and digitally on iTunes.

My Winter Storm tracklisting:
'Ite, Missa Est'/'I Walk Alone',
'Lost Northern Star',
'Seeking For The Reign'/'The Reign',
'The Escape Of The Doll'/'My Little Pheonix',
'Boy And The Ghost',
'Sing For Me',
'Our Great Divide',
'Sunset'/'Damned And Divine',
'Minor Heaven',
'Ciaran's Swell',
'Calling Grace'.

The dreamlike, fantastical music video for "I Walk Alone" has been posted below:
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMer 26 Déc - 1:03

TARJA TURUNEN - "These Warm-Up Concerts Were A Great Xmas Present For All Of Us"

TARJA TURUNEN (ex-NIGHTWISH) has posted the following message on her official blog:

"Hello my friends,

It has been a while since I got any time to write to you. I am truly sorry for that. There has been many people already requesting me to do this… so now when I finished my interviews for today (in the car on my way home from the airport), I am finally free.

So this is the first thing and last that I am doing before officially starting my holidays!!

I came back to Finland after magnificent tour just a couple of hours ago. It feels good to be back at home. The last concert in London gave us just amazing end for it.

Everything worked perfect during the concert and we just had a lot of fun. It has been interesting for us to see that every concert has felt better than the previous one for us as musicians. Getting more and more into the spirit of the songs and being able to make a stronger connection with the fans every time.

Anyway, the feeling was quite sad after the last concert because we truly are going to miss each other. There was something very special going on for 4 weeks among us. Everybody agrees on that.

It has been very unusual for me to be saluted every day by everybody involved in the shows (production, crew, musicians) with hugs and kisses same way that every night after the day was over.

No ass faces around, just smiles and laughter. No silence and indifference, but warmness, long chats and stories of every kind and true interest.

Above all, respect within the group of people for everybody’s work and music.

None of us needed to be dragged into a hotel room after alcohol overdoses

Is very unique the feeling of looking into the eyes of the people working with you and finding there honesty.

These Warm Up concerts were a great Xmas present for all of us.

But this is just the beginning for something else to come. We are going to work together once again pretty soon, so we just have to be patient.

Read more here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMar 29 Jan - 23:00

TARJA - 'Die Alive' Video Available

TARJA TURUNEN T82271 TARJA's new video - for the track song 'Die Alive' - can be viewed at this location. The song can be found on My Winter Storm - the debut solo record from the former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen. has released the Limited Edition Virgin White Double Vinyl edition version of My Winter Storm. The LP version is limited to 300 copies.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyMer 30 Jan - 19:52

TARJA - 'Die Alive' Single Details Available

TARJA TURUNEN T82324 TARJA's new single 'Die Alive' will be released on March 7th via Universal Music and will feature the following tracklist:

'Die Alive' (Album version)
'Die Alive' (Alternative version)
'Lost Northern Star' (Ambience sublow mix)
'Calling Grace' (full version)
'Die Alive' (video)

The song 'Die Alive' can be found on My Winter Storm - the debut solo record from the former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen.

Watch Tarja's 'Die Alive' below:
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN   TARJA TURUNEN EmptyJeu 7 Fév - 20:04

TARJA TURUNEN - New Interview Available has posted an interview with TARJA TURUNEN. She talks about her new album, My Winter Storm, her exit from NIGHTWISH, how she felt then, how she feels today two years after and how she has prepared her new album. Check it out at this location.
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