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 URIAH HEEP - 20 Songs

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: URIAH HEEP - 20 Songs   URIAH HEEP - 20 Songs EmptySam 28 Avr - 4:04

URIAH HEEP - 20 Songs Written For New Album

URIAH HEEP have not released an album of new songs since 1999's Sonic Origami. While the wait has been tough to take for Heep's biggest fans, they will be delighted to learn that the end is in sight. The band is currently in the studio in Lincolnshire in the countryside of Northern England recording their next release. Classic Rock Revisited recently caught up with Uriah Heep mainstay Mick Box to discuss the bands progress. "We've probably wrote 20 songs but we have been quite selective and reduced this to the best 12-14 songs." When asked if the album has a name yet Box says, "It is too early. Once we have completed the CD it usually comes to us. It can be as simple as a couple of words in the song 'Sea Of Light' or something not connected at all like Sonic Origami. We have a list that we keep adding and subtracting too."

The band has been rumored to be using well renowned artist Ioannis for the upcoming album cover. When asked if this was true Box confided to us that, "We are presently in negotiations with Ioannis." After surviving 35 years in the music industry Heep continues to overcome all obstacles and remain focuses and in control of their destiny. When asked what tools Uriah Heep
uses to continue to push forward musically and not fall into the trap of repeating themselves Box smiles and simple says, "Open ears and an open mind!"
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