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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: CAMP FREDDY   CAMP FREDDY EmptyLun 7 Aoû - 16:54

CAMP FREDDY - Starbucks And A Pot Of Aspirin; The Morning After

As previously reported, CAMP FREDDY played the House Of Blues in Los Angeles, CA on August 5th. Guests on the night included Slash, Steve Isaacs, Steve Jones, Warren DiMartini, Mark McGrath, Benji Madden, Cypress Hill, Billy Duffy, Mickey Einzinger and the core Camp Freddy Band of Billy Morrison, Dave Navarro, Matt Sorum, Chris Chaney, Scott Weiland and Donovan Leitch. Morrison (CIRCUS DIABLO) has posted the following recap at his official website:
"It's been a little while since I had a drink, but this morning I feel 100% hung over!!! My body aches, my head is throbbing in a very big way, and my eyes will not focus on anything!! Last night's Freddy show was completely off the hook. One of the best shows we have ever done. I don't really know what it was - the choice of guests, the mood between us all, the audience ..... not really sure. All I know is we all had an amazing time, played really well, and the House Of Blues on Sunset was jumping last night. I'll have the full set list put up on the Camp Freddy site with a complete list of guests, but highlights were Robby Krieger from THE DOORS playing 'Roadhouse Blues' with us (that guy is an amazing player, and lets face it - he pretty much invented all this 'Sunset Strip' scene ..... a real pleasure and an honor to have played with him).
Also, Cypress Hill and Slash just completely tearing up 'Rock Superstar' and 'Paradise City', and a fucking amazing version of ACDC's 'Highway To Hell' with Billy Duffy and Slash guesting on guitars and THE PANIC CHANNEL's Steve Issacs on vocals. I have to tell you that Steve just CRUSHED the song - I could not believe how amazing he was singing that track - and the audience were screaming the chorus along with him, making for one of the most memorable Camp Freddy moments ever. Its a pretty special band that we have created and I am very proud to be part of some incredible rock and roll history moments. You don't see this shit very often, and I honestly believe that the reson we are in our 5th year of existance is because of the attitude of the players. Everyone is a team player, there are no egos at a CF show, and I think that everyone involved always goes home with a smile on their face. THAT is how its meant to be.
I am too wasted this morning to type much more, but thank you SO very much to the LA chapter of the Diablo Street Team, who were out last night flyering for us. You know who you are, and you are doing a fantastic job. To be onstage at a Camp Freddy gig and have a Circus Diablo flyer come tumbling over the barricade onto the stage in front of you is a VERY cool thing!!!! Great to see a few friendly faces at the front (see .... I TOLD you that you could get in if you tried!) and thanks to everyone who attended the capacity show last night. A great evening, absolutely awesome to be back onstage with my Freddy brothers, and here's to many more like that one.
I am off to nurse my headache - maybe a couple of hours of shooting at the range will blast it out of me!!! Enjoy the pics, courtesy of our good friend, Todd Newman. More to come when I feel a little better. I know I have promised V Blogs, more dates, more info on stuff - thats why I dont like to say too much about things until they are FOR SURE. When I can give you details I will - but for now ...... where's that Starbucks and a pot of Asprin???"

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