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 EVERGREY: new album

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Nombre de messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyMer 20 Juin - 20:16

EVERGREY: "The Wheels Of Creation Are In Motion", "New Album Will Be Launched Before Christmas"

The website for Swedish metallers EVERGREY has been updated with the following:

"We just received these news items from the Evergrey camp and would like to pass them along to everyone.

As you all know, Fredrik Larsson was the temporary bass player after Michael (Håkansson) left. Fredrik has now re-joined Hammerfall. The Evergrey crew wish him all the best in the future. He is still a good friend of the band.

New songs have been and are being recorded. (Singer/guitarist) Tom (Englund) and (guitarist) Henrik (Danhage) are doing all the bass playing in the studio at this moment, so bass is not an issue at this time. (Drummer) Jonas (Ekdahl) and (keyboardist) Rikard (Zander) are also participating in writing lyrics and music for the new album. The recording session is scheduled to be done by the end of the summer.

The new album will be launched before Christmas. For all Fans out there, this album is HEAVY! In my ears probably the heaviest they have ever done.

After releasing the new album Evergrey will start touring. By that time a bass player should be selected for the band (hired or permanent, future will tell...).

There are also some new endorsement contracts being negotiated at this time. It's still too early to announce as of yet.

A new label is being sought after... more to come on that later.

Kind regards,

Z.P. - Evergrey Business Cordinator."

Dernière édition par Admin le Mer 8 Avr - 19:20, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyLun 25 Juin - 22:16

EVERGREY Issue Album Update

Flying down to Balingen (Germany) on the morning of their inaugral Bang Your Head!!! appearance, EVERGREY frontman Tom Englund allowed BW&BK to sample a pair of tracks from the band's forthcoming (still untitled and label-less) effort, which contrary to published reports is NOT written.

In fact, said tracks utilized a drum machine and synthesized bass.

"We need to find a bass player and label," states Englund, matter-of-factly. Ex-FREAK KITCHEN basist Christian Gronlund stood in for the BYH show.

"We're not rushing into anything. It's not (a timetable) I want, but we'll probably go in (to the studio) in August, give it to the label for a January release. There are currently 13 songs/ideas, but who knows what will happen once we all get together. We're negotiating with labels right now, but not budging an inch, which has already caused some to say no. We're not worried."

The music in question echoes the tall singer/guitarist's sentiments. The first cut was, as rumored, somewhat heavier, with a small electronic effect (ala Monday Morning Apocalypse) in the background. Catchy vocals, there's simultaneously ripping guitar and drum breaks. The second is slower and more otherworldly, with piano, it's reminescent of pre-MMA works, with a gradual build in intensity and sonic width tpowards conclusion.

Sounds interesting!
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyJeu 18 Oct - 19:37

le nouveau bassiste, un ex stratovarius : Jari Kainulainen :

Comments EVERGREY mainman Tom S. Englund: "We are extremely happy that we have found the perfect bass player. Jari came to Gothenburg for a rehearsal a few weeks ago. Afterwards me and Henrik [Danhage] talked and we both we got goosebumps. We ímmediately knew that Jari was the right guy for us. We are so much looking forward to the coming months of recording and playing and it honestly feels like a fresh start and the injection I think we needed."

Says Jari Kainulainen: "When I heard that EVERGREY was searching for a new bass player, I immediately contacted Tom to let him know that I was extremely interested! Then they asked me to come and audition for them. I can’t even start to explain how nervous I was. But everything just matched, and sounded great! And before we knew it we were all shit faced and celebrating the Scandinavian way! See you on the gigs!"

Jari will make his live debut with the band at Fosen Rock festival in Fosen, Norway (where EVERGREY are headlining) on August 25.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyJeu 18 Oct - 19:38

ils sont maintenant en train de préparer un DVD pour l'an prochain :

Swedish metallers EVERGREY are documenting the recording process for their follow-up to 2006's "Monday Morning Apocalypse" for a forthcoming DVD, to be released sometime next year. According to the band, the final result will be "an in-depth look on how the whole recording went, with all the fuck-ups , conversations etc. It's not going to be [EVERGREY's version of the METALLICA documentary] 'Some Kind of Monster' since we dont have the fundings, but nevertheless."

voici une video filmée le mois dernier en Suède, le 1er septembre
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyJeu 18 Oct - 23:22

EVERGREY Issue New Studio Report

Sweden's EVERGREY have issued the following studio report from leader Tom S. Englund, via their new blog, The Grey Area:


After yesterday's computer problems we are now up and running and things are going great!

Jonas and Jari already laid down the basics on a couple of songs and man! do they sound great together!

Tomorrow I will start recording guitars on a track called 'Nothing Is Erased', a tricky little bitch of a song. So much to think of when playing that it will probably take me much more time to complete that track alone, than what it took for Jonas and Jari to complete a couple of tracks. But hey, no one said it should be easy ; ).

Henrik’s at home composing some new stuff in his home studio but he will be here tomorrow.

The recording of this album will probably also be a DVD with an in-depth look on how the whole recording went. With all the fuck-ups , conversations etc, it’s not going to be “some kind of monster” since we dont have the fundings, but nevertheless. More on that later.

Also, as you probably understand the album won’t be out this year as expected, primarily cause of the reason that we have yet to decide on a label that we feel will fullfill our needs and demands but dont worry we are still in negotiations with a couple.

Well that’s all for now."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyLun 22 Oct - 22:14

EVERGREY To Play Tel Aviv In December; "Grey Area" Blog Update Available

EVERGREY: new album 76123

Metal Israel report that Sweden's EVERGREY are scheduled to perform at Barby in Tel Aviv, Israel on December 1st.

In related news, frontman Tom S. Englund has checked in with the following update from the studio:

"Today went fuckin great, 2 tracks with drums AND guitars completed. So in total 5 songs with drums 4 with bass and 2 with guitars.

Jari is coming on Sunday and we will continue with him on Monday morning . Man, I can’t wait until you here this guy playing Evergrey material. It at least blows me away : ) .

I also think that Jonas has put down some REALLY amazing drum work, the new songs makes him shine as he makes everything so much more vivid and groovy. Rikard and Henrik are at home writing some more killer stuff so that we have more than enough to choose from whenever the time comes.

Also you can be sure that we put everything we have in us into this release as it feels like, not that it will be, our last album. Sort of feels like when we recorded the first album and we never really knew if we would be able to ever make one again. That kind of innocence, lust and urge to create something fantastic is somewhat overwhelming, something that I’d never thought we’d feel again.

Some song titles: 'Nothing Is Erased', 'When Kingdom’s Fall', 'These Scars', 'Soaked'…"

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyVen 26 Oct - 17:57

l'enregistrement de l'album, 2eme semaine, voici la video pour découvrir quelques riffs avant tout le monde :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyJeu 8 Nov - 20:30

EVERGREY Frontman Tom S. Englund - "Another Week Of Pure Fuckin'
Metal Mayhem Has Begun!"

EVERGREY: new album 77222

EVERGREY frontman Tom S. Englund has checked in with the following studio update:

"Another week of pure fuckin' metal mayhem has begun! Anyway. I finished all the guitar parts I had left for the first eight songs, and it all went so much smoother than I ever could have imagined. I have to explain this for you first, when we write songs for an album, we do just that, we do not rehearse them before we record them , so everyone is pretty much just rehearsing by themselves. We are sending files back and forth and of course there are LOTS of discussions. I don’t know why we have chosen this way of getting it done but it has it’s pros and cons. For instance, it is hell to sit and try to pick put what the hell you’re playing but at the same time writing like that makes it all much more fresh and spontaneous. The real problems come whenever we will start to rehearse the songs for tours when NO ONE have played them together with anyone. Maybe we’re stupid. We have been working like this since In Search Of Truth. Too lazy to jam it out, hehe.. Today Henrik’s (Danhage) doing guitars for a song called 'Fear' and probably continuing with drums on a new song called 'Numb'. On Monday we will start writing again for 10 -15 days, to finish the last couple of ideas for songs we have. It’s pretty cool since we haven’t listened to those ideas at all since before we started the recording. That really should bring some objectivity. We will try to post a new video clip tomorrow or Friday (November 9th). So you know where and what to check..."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyVen 9 Nov - 20:17

EVERGREY Issues Statement Regarding European Tour Cancellation; Fourth Studio Video Report Online

Sweden's EVERGREY have issued the following:

"Unfortunately we must inform you that Evergrey not is able to do the planned tour with BRAINSTORM in March 2008. This is due to the fact that our next album not will be ready in time to be released before the tour. We feel it's not fair to the fans or to the promoters or to Brainstorm to do a tour without the new album out. If the circumstances aren't the best we shouldn't do a major tour like this. We are sorry for any problems this may cause but we will be back soon.

We wish our friends in Brainstorm all the best of luck with their re-scheduled dates.

Tom, Henrik, Rikard, Jonas and Jari."

Meanwhile, the band have posted the fourth video studio report filmed during their recording sessions for their new album. Watch the video here.

Evergrey frontman Tom S. Englund recently checked in with the following studio update:

"Another week of pure fuckin' metal mayhem has begun! Anyway. I finished all the guitar parts I had left for the first eight songs, and it all went so much smoother than I ever could have imagined. I have to explain this for you first, when we write songs for an album, we do just that, we do not rehearse them before we record them , so everyone is pretty much just rehearsing by themselves. We are sending files back and forth and of course there are LOTS of discussions. I don’t know why we have chosen this way of getting it done but it has it’s pros and cons. For instance, it is hell to sit and try to pick put what the hell you’re playing but at the same time writing like that makes it all much more fresh and spontaneous. The real problems come whenever we will start to rehearse the songs for tours when NO ONE have played them together with anyone. Maybe we’re stupid. We have been working like this since In Search Of Truth. Too lazy to jam it out, hehe.. Today Henrik’s (Danhage) doing guitars for a song called 'Fear' and probably continuing with drums on a new song called 'Numb'. On Monday we will start writing again for 10 -15 days, to finish the last couple of ideas for songs we have. It’s pretty cool since we haven’t listened to those ideas at all since before we started the recording. That really should bring some objectivity. We will try to post a new video clip tomorrow or Friday (November 9th). So you know where and what to check..."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyMar 20 Nov - 21:15

EVERGREY Issue 9th Studio Report, Video Blog #5

EVERGREY frontman Tom S. Englund has checked in with the following studio update:

"Hey guys , we are very busy writing the last songs for the album.

That’s why we have not updated in a while, but that will be worth your while since we decided to make this weeks videoclip a bit longer than the older ones.

This week we have been writing in my home studio and so far came up with 2 REALLY great songs which I am sure will end up on the album. Rikard and Jonas moved out to the studio yesterday and will pretty much stay there until the album is finished.

Henrik and I will probably finish up what we have left to do while J and R are starting the recording of the keyboards. Jari will be here on Thursday and after that we will play on a kind of a Metal Cruise on Friday to Saturday. Imagine a ship full of 3,000 metalheads, I sure hope they stacked up a lot of alcohol.

The week after that we’re going to Israel and Tel Aviv, a thing that we are looking forward to very much since we had a cancellation there a while back."

Click here to view the video.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptySam 22 Déc - 0:11

Studio Report 10 (with video)

Hey there !
We have once again been really buried in work and therefore have not been able to update you for a couple of weeks.
We are FINALLY in the mixing stage of the album and that truly feels like a blessing.
Today we finished the 8th song for mixdown and it sounds A W E S O M E !
We will be finished before New Years and then we will take a couple of weeks of well needed and deserved rest.
We have also been in Israel which was a fantastic experience, to visit such an old country with all of it's history and beauty, Jerusalem is really fascinating . Tel Aviv felt like a mixiture of Miami and New York which was really cool and the audience fucking awesome, we are really looking forward to going there again.
Well we will leave you with a small christmas gift which holds more than you think!
So to all of you from all of us have Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Tom , Henrik, Jonas, Rikard and Jari

Evergrey Studio video report 6
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyMar 22 Jan - 19:53

EVERGREY - Fans Invited To Submit Questions For New Bassist JARI KAINULAINEN

EVERGREY: new album 81664

EVERGREY have issued the following update:

"Hey all,

It's time for another MySpace interview. The first two with Tom and Rikard went great so hopefully you all will help with this one too. This time the target is bass player Jari Kainulainen, who joined the band a few months ago. So basically this is your chance to welcome him to the band by making up some interesting questions for him to answer.

Here are the instructions on how to send a question for the interview:

-- Send a message to the Evergrey profile with the subject 'Jari interview question'
-- Write your question to the message body (only one question per friend accepted)
-- If you don't want your MySpace name to be mentioned on the interview, mention this on the message
-- And please, use as proper English as possible so we don't have to edit the questions a lot.

You have 8 days to send in the questions, the deadline is Sunday, January 27th. After that date the 20 best questions will be picked and sent to Jari for answering. After he is done answering, the interview will go up on MySpace and there will be a bulletin posted about it.

We are looking forward to getting some good questions again so start thinking and send yours in!"

Go to Evergrey's MySpace page here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyLun 3 Mar - 19:31

l'album s'appelera Torn, et voici une bande annonce prometteuse :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyVen 28 Mar - 19:06

EVERGREY Close To Signing With New Label

EVERGREY: new album 86323

eVERGREY singer/guitarist Tom S. Englund has issued the following

"Hey Guys…

Just a few words to let you know that we had a great time in Finland, the
shows were really awesome and the finnish fans R O C K!

We knew that already but it was nice to see that what we remembered
from prior shows were really true.

We are almost done with our label-negotiations and think we will be able
to present a release date within 2 weeks, and just to clarify, we have lot’s
of history with different labels that we needed to clear up before signing a
new deal with anyone. This has taken so much longer than anticipated, I
mean we have been sending contacts back and forth since last JUNE, so
of course this has been really frustrating for us as musicians, but at the
same time we’ve been forced to be really business-minded. BUT… as I said
we are now down to one label and hope to tell you which one really soon.

During the month of April we decided to sign all of the stuff bought in our
webstore and dedicate it to the person who’s on the order-form (that is if
you want us to of course, we wouldnt want to fuck your CDs up). So if
you don't want them signed, or if it is for another name, write that in the
order .

Also we made some really cool shirts for the shows in Finland , we have a
couple of them left so be sure to check that out]]
Monday or Tuesday we will hand you the 2nd “TORN” trailer so you know where and when to check!

Til’ next time ….."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyLun 31 Mar - 19:39

EVERGREY Post Second Torn Trailer

EVERGREY: new album T86449 As promised late last week by singer/guitarist Tom S. Englund, EVERGREY have posted a second trailer for their forthcoming release, Torn.

Says the band, "So here it is guys, the April edition of our trailers.

Just to clarify, this are excerpts of many different songs, it’s not one song as some of you seemed to think when watching the first one.

Be sure to let us know what you think!

We sure hope you’ll enjoy it… More news coming soon!"

Check it the new trailer, below...

Evergrey Trailer "Torn" March edition

In a band update last week, Englund stated, "We are almost done with our label-negotiations and think we will be able to present a release date within 2 weeks, and just to clarify, we have lot’s of history with different labels that we needed to clear up before signing a new deal with anyone. This has taken so much longer than anticipated, I mean we have been sending contacts back and forth since last JUNE, so of course this has been really frustrating for us as musicians, but at the same time we’ve been forced to be really business-minded. BUT… as I said we are now down to one label and hope to tell you which one really soon."
Stay tuned for further updates.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyVen 9 Mai - 12:27

EVERGREY Sign With Steamhammer/SPV

Following intense and very constructive discussions, Steamhammer/SPV have announced their future collaboration with Swedish dark melodic metal act, EVERGREY. The deal includes not only the group's brand-new studio album, Torn, which will arrive at the stores at the beginning of September, but also Evergrey's complete back catalogue. Evergrey mastermind Tom S. Englund is looking forward to a productive cooperation with Steamhammer, explaining: "After long and intense negotiations, we feel that we have arrived at optimum conditions for everybody involved. We are confident that Evergrey will continue to grow artistically under the terms of this contract, that SPV will enjoy our cooperation and – this is definitely the most important aspect – that our fans will thoroughly benefit from the new deal."

The first stage of this ambitious target will see the release of Evergrey's new studio album, Torn, at the beginning of September, featuring eleven compositions, described by Englund as a "modern mix of In Search Of Truth and Recreation Day". "The tracks are all guitar-oriented and very atmospheric. They have exactly the sound that our fans expect from us." According to Englund, the slightly more experimental direction of Evergrey's previous release, Monday Morning Apocalypse, has given way again to old strengths and virtues. "Two years ago we needed an album with a slightly different approach and an expensive producer, just to find out how that sort of thing works. It was the right album at the time, but now we have returned to our typical trademarks." This is one of the reasons why the tracks on Torn were self-produced by Englund together with drummer Jonas Ekdahl. In addition, the band has a new bassist, Fredrik Larsson having been replaced by former Stratovarius musician Jari Kainulainen.

Since the band arrived on the scene in 1998, Evergrey have brought out six studio albums and one live cut. All of them made the top 20 in their native Sweden and the last two made the top 10 (no. 6 and 3, respectively). On top of that, their DVD was number 1 for four weeks and nominated for a Grammy in Sweden. The band has toured around the globe several times, together with In Flames, Nevermore, Throwdown, Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom and Iced Earth, among others. Along with Torn, their new contract with Steamhammer/SPV includes the band's complete back catalogue, so top-quality reissues featuring a selection of bonus tracks are likely in future. "There is so much additional material for each album that we could theoretically re-release it on an extra DVD. Whatever we manage to do – premium reissues are certainly a possibility."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyMer 14 Mai - 19:47

EVERGREY - New Album Art, Trailer Available; Street Date Confirmed

EVERGREY: new album 89504

Swedish dark melodic metal act EVERGREY have issued the following update:

"Pheeeeeeeeeeewwwww…. it’s been a long fucking year negotiating this deals, not something we’ve enjoyed too much, it’s taken its toll on everything from economi to psyche. BUT now it’s finally done and we are extremely curious on what the future has in it’s hands for us! We have made changes in everything surrounding Evergrey, everything from management, record label (Steamhammer/SPV) to booking and perhaps most important, changed our own approach to this thing called Evergrey. It came to a time a while ago where we ALL were tired of everything surrounding this bitch called the music-industry. It affected our whole perception of what and who we were, it most certainly killed everything close to joy and in the end made it feel like a boring 9 - 5 job where you don’t like your co-workers and just want to go home. But as I said, we’ve been through that now and coming out on the other end of this rather dark tunnel are 5 guys who have the same determination, goals and fire to keep this ball spinning for another couple of laps! Below you have the third trailer that I know you have been eagerly awaiting , somethings up with the compression level that makes the pics smaller so those look like shit… but hey …. you’re here to hear the God-damned thing, right? It contains all song titles for the regular edition of this release and the release day is 2nd week of September but, you’ll see somethings probably gonna come up and change that for the tenth time….. I hope you enjoy it and we wish to hear ALL your thoughts , as they are what matter the most to us! Below is also your new cover, spill your guts about that too
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyMer 18 Juin - 21:03

EVERGREY Line Up Belgrade Club Date

EVERGREY: new album 91739

Following the cancellation of Serbia's Castle Festival, Swedish dark melodic metal act EVERGREY have secured a club date on July 5th, the day they were scheduled to perform at the fest.

Evergrey will now perform on on July 5th at Begrade's SKC Club.

As previously reported, Evergrey's new album, Torn, is due out in early September through Steamhammer/SPV.
The album will feature the following tracklisting:
'Broken Wings',
'When Kingdoms Fall',
'In Confidence',
'Nothing is Erased',
'Still Walk Alone',
'These Scars'.

Read further details on the upcoming release in a previous post, located here.

Check out the latest trailer below...

Evergrey trailer M A Y edition
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyLun 4 Aoû - 14:06

EVERGREY - Autographed Copies Of New Album Now Available For Pre-Order

EVERGREY: new album 94299

EVERGREY have issued the following update:

"In addition to the VIP pre-order package for our new album, Torn, with the shirt, guitar pick, etc., we have added two other pre-order possibilities too, both including the new album signed by the band members.

Evergrey Torn Medium Package includes:
-- 1 Limited Edition Torn CD (signed, includes bonus track)
-- 1 signed postcard
-- 1 Evergrey guitar pick (exclusive!)

Evergrey Torn CD Special package includes:
-- 1 Limited Edition Torn CD (signed, includes bonus track)

These pre-order packages will also be shipped so that you receive your package by the release date for your country. See the pricing and order yours from the Evergrey store."

Go to this location to check out the other pre-order packages that are available.

As previously reported, the release dates for Torn are as follows:

Germany -- September 19th
Europe -- September 22nd
USA/Canada -- September 23rd

The Torn tracklisting is as follows:
'Broken Wings',
'When Kingdoms Fall',
'In Confidence',
'Fail', 'Numb',
'Nothing is Erased',
'Still Walk Alone',
'These Scars'

. View a Torn trailer below:
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyMer 6 Aoû - 22:59

New EVERGREY Song Available For Download

EVERGREY: new album 94510

'Fail', a new song from Swedish metallers, to be featured on the band's upcoming album Torn, has just been added to the player at the group's MySpace page.

In addition, you can also download the track from the Evergrey website.

As previously reported, the release dates for Torn are as follows:

Germany - September 19th
Europe - September 22nd
USA/Canada - September 23rd

The Torn tracklisting is as follows:
'Broken Wings',
'When Kingdoms Fall',
'In Confidence',
'Nothing is Erased',
'Still Walk Alone',
'These Scars'.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyVen 8 Aoû - 19:09

nouveau titre , Fail en écoute :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EVERGREY: new album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EVERGREY: new album   EVERGREY: new album EmptyDim 17 Aoû - 12:24

EVERGREY: new album 95126

EVERGREY - Torn Track-By-Track Breakdown Available

bw&bk's mark gromen has an exclusive firt-listen to evergrey
new album, Torn, due out via SPV on the following dates:

Germany - September 19th
Europe - September 22nd
USA/Canada - September 23rd

Here's his synopsis:

These eleven newly minded gems are a combination of classic Grey (acoustic, a cappella, piano), with a mix of Monday Morning Apocalypse (particularly ‘In Remembrance’ or ‘Obedience’). Fans will be happy to hear Torn is a return to form, albeit heavier and less dark/depressive (melancholy, Yes. Not fatalistic, nor paranoid), plus a few Guitar Hero moments enlisted. What follows is a track-by-track synopsis, complete with pertinent lyrics, when applicable.

‘Broken Wings’: electronic water droplets introduce, staccato guitar, multi-voice chorus, “I’d give anything to find a way to leave the fear and evacuate. Come reach inside my inner fear. Come feel my sorrow and my tears.”

‘Soaked’: Sporadic drum beats, synth and lone voice kick things off. “My bare feet soaked in blood as I leave you.”

‘Fear’: Heavy, guitar oriented, right from the start. Chorus begins with Englund’s voice zig-zagging from channel to channel. “If I could I’d throw myself into the flames, but I fear my heart, fear my soul. I fear I’m weak. I feel unique, I fear the cold.”

‘When Kingdoms Fall’: piano, slower and subdued except for brief interlude midway through

‘In Confidence’: Return to up tempo, with undercurrent of keyboard tinkling. Blistering guitar break

‘Fail’ jangly, ethereal acoustic intro quickly gives way (but continues underneath) to the familiar bouncy mid-paced Evergrey rhythm. Mid-section Tom’s mournful voice atop prominent piano notes. “Did you think of all the blame that you left me with? Did you think of all the guilt that I now feel? I thought I was as close as someone could ever get. I was so wrong to think that I knew you.” Ends with fleet fingered flourish atop symphonic strings.

‘Numb’: Modern, staccato start. Tom utilizing a lighter (higher?) voice. “Have you ever felt like I feel? Wounded. Never got a chance to heal. . Have you ever been through what I’ve been through? Still breathing, still

‘Torn’ Great play on dynamics; acoustic early, buildings and ends much as
it began, electric-less guitars. “Pushing my head under water, making me tired & torn. If only things were different. Never claimed to be someone
I’m not. Always feared to be forgotten.”

‘Nothing Is Erased’ Similar modern take on Gothenburg sound to Dark
Tranquillity, but with Englund’s soulful throat. (How does he do it smoking
& drinking so much? Lemmy school of vocal care!) More guitar work as it

‘Still Walk Alone’: Heavy bottom end throughout. The most progressive
tune. Another finger scorcher section!

‘These Scars’: Nice visual imagery, as well as metaphoric. Don’t want to
touch scars/open wounds, nor do you want these emotional difficulties
constantly reinvestigated. “Can’t hide these scars. Can’t hide these
wounds.” Midway through, Tom’s wife Carina adds vocals counterpoint.
Disc closes with solo symphonic strings.

The new Evergrey song 'Fail' is currently streaming on BW&BK's
KnuckleTracks Audio Player - head to the left-hand-side of to listen.

Mark's rating: 8.5/10
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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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