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 EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt Empty
MessageSujet: EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt   EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt EmptyLun 9 Juil - 19:50

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt: "This Album Is Fuckin' Heavy As Shit!"

San Francisco Bay Area metallers EXODUS are at work on their new album at Oakland, California's Sharkbite Studios with producer Andy Sneap.

The following is the latest update from guitarist Gary Holt:

"Just letting everyone know the official list of songs titles as well as the album title are coming soon. When I have finished the running order, I will post them here. It's been really hard coming up with one, as we aren't sure if we are doing a double disc, or something might be held as a bonus track (in addition to the one already planned) in order to fit them on. This album is long! But in a totally killer way. Just a ton of absolutely rifftastic metal, no filler whatsoever. It's going to be tough waiting to put this one, we are all so fired up right now. Lee's finishing up solos at the moment, and then off to Andy (who had to bail a bit early do to prior Sabbat commitments) for the mix. Atrwork will be done soon as well. Be warned. This album is fuckin' heavy as shit!

Funny how some people think if you are excited about your new record it means you think the last one sucked. Couldn't be further from the truth. Tempo and Shovel killed. But we are trying to up the ante with every release, and this one sets the bar so fuckin' high it's going to hard to top it with the next one. But you fuckers know we'll trying our damndest!"

Exodus are expected to release the new album later this year via Nuclear Blast.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt   EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt EmptyMar 10 Juil - 19:43

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt - "I Am Totally Stoked About The San Francisco Premiere Of Get Thrashed"

As previously reported, the makers of Get Thrashed: The Story Of Thrash Metal are proud to announce the San Francisco premiere of the documentary will be Saturday, July 14 at 10:00 pm at the Frozen Film Festival.

Among the sure to be sold out crowd at the San Francisco screening will be a "who's who" of Bay Area thrash legends including members of Exodus, Death Angel, Forbidden, plus unsigned thrash bands Concrete Coffin and Osmium, whose music is featured in the soundtrack of the film.

"I am totally stoked about the San Francisco premiere of Get Thrashed" said EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt. “After all, San Francisco was the birthplace of this monster called thrash metal, and it is only fitting that it receives a proper showing right where it all started. After seeing the movie, all I could say was it's about time; and it couldn't have been done any better. I hope to be at the screening. It’s not something I want to miss.”

“The best part of making Get Thrashed was my week long trip to the Bay Area,” said Director Rick Ernst. “Meeting the fans and the bands that I grew up admiring was a thrash metal dream come true for me. All the other screenings have kicked ass, but this one in San Francisco is like the Super Bowl for us! Get Thrashed is coming to the heart of thrash metal country and I'm thrilled that I'll be there to see it go down.”

Get Thrashed: The Story Of Thrash Metal is the story of bands like METALLICA, SLAYER, MEGADETH, ANTHRAX and how they, and others, pioneered a new form of heavy metal in the early 1980s. This new music was called "thrash metal" and many of the bands went from playing friend’s parties and small clubs to touring the world and headlining arenas. Along the way, there were drugs, drinking, fights, deaths, mosh pits, leather jackets, long hair and most of all - groundbreaking new music. Eventually, the scene fell apart, but the seeds these bands planted gave rise to the new breed of extreme heavy metal we see and hear today. Get Thrashed features the music of METALLICA, MEGADETH, SLAYER, ANTHRAX, EXODUS, KREATOR, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, PANTERA and many more, plus interviews with members of over 30 bands from old school (Lars Ulrich, Dave Mustaine, Kerry King, Gary Holt etc) to new school (LAMB OF GOD, HATEBREED, SHADOWS FALL, CHIMAIRA etc).

Get Thrashed: The Story Of Thrash Metal will be screened at The Roxie Cinema (3117 16th St at Valencia in San Francisco, CA 94103). Tickets are $8.50 and can be purchased at

Get Thrashed: The Story Of Thrash Metal is produced by Saigon1515 Productions in association with Kundrat Productions. Get Thrashed was directed by Rick Ernst and the documentary’s Associate Producer is Rat Skates, founder and former drummer of Overkill.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt   EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt EmptyLun 12 Nov - 23:57

EXODUS Guitarist On South American Fans: "They Were Ripping Hair Out Of Each Others Heads, I Shit You Not!"

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt 77475

EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt reflects on South America with the following update:

"What's going on people, just returned from South America yesterday. Some of the guys stayed for a vacation and I am really envious but alas, I have family things to tend to. But as for the tour?

Fucking incredible!

We, as a band, have had a long love afair with South America, the warmth of the people, the beauty, the nightlife, the genuine lust for life is something that grabs me and hold on for a long time. But the fans are the pulse down there, the heartbeat that keeps me coming back.

Every show was amazing, the response always insane. But let me tell you about the hair. No, I'm not talking about how fucking long it is, or how many split ends! I'm talking about two shows in particular, Bogota and Santiago. The fucking floor was littered after the show with hair. Huge chunks of it. I'm not talking about what you pull out of your brush after getting out of the shower. I'm talking about enough hair to make a dozen wigs! Craziest thing I've even seen! Every two feet, another massive clump! They were ripping hair out of each others heads, I shit you not!

Each show was special, we have so many friends down there, great times all around. I don't think many bands have the time we have there, so many long friendships. We have a good time and are in the know when it comes to Brasil! Anyone ever been to Lovestory? Hahaha! If you have, you know what I'm talking about! Or Manifesto Bar? That's my favorite place to go party, and this time we took over a MÖTLEY CRÜE cover bands gear for a drunken version of 'Dirty Deeds...' while about a half dozen girls made out with each other! I told you we know what a good time is!

To make a long story short, I wish I was still there with the others heading for Paraty and not typing messages for the lot of you! No insult intended!"

Meanwhile, visuals of Exodus in Brazil at Ópera 1 have been posted online at this location.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt   EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt EmptySam 1 Déc - 2:23

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt -"I Am Pretty Driven And I Am Not Letting Anything To Get On My Way"

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt T78698 Norway's Imhotep spoke to EXODUS guitar legend Gary Holt recently about a number of topics including their new album, The Atrocity Exhibition – Exhibit A, which is out now via Nuclear Blast. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Imhotep: What can you tell about Exhibit B, just how much of that is already written and how would you compare it to Exhibit A?
Gary Holt: "When we recorded Exhibit A we had too many songs and none of them were your typical throwaway, b-side bonus songs. We had long debates, which songs should be on the album. Finally we just chose the ones we felt would work best together for this album and create the right kind of atmosphere. We chose four songs to save, so now we have four songs recorded and done for the next album and we have to finish the remaining songs. About the direction of the next album, I can only comment on the four songs that are finished, and they all stand on their own compared to the first album. There will be some themes, both musical and lyrical that kind of tie each album together, but it’s not going to be like a two album concept record, really."

Imhotep: Comment on being the godfather of thrash.
Gary Holt: "I’ve become wiser during the years. You learn from past mistakes. I mean, he who does not remember the past is condemned to repeat it. As far as the band goes, the eighties were a magical and special time, but right now this is version two of the band and we are more deadly and dangerous than ever and we are most certainly hungrier than ever because we don’t take anything for granted. We are out to reclaim our spot at the top of the thrash metal world. I am pretty driven and I am not letting anything to get on my way. In the eighties there was newness on everything and we didn’t understand the business side of things. That’s was kind of bad but it was also good because we were just kids wanting to play thrash metal and getting wasted and looking for chicks. We didn’t have the business side of things to worry about and it was fun, you know. Haha, like 1989 the Headbangers Ball Tour, that was as close as any thrash metal band ever, got to feel like they are in MÖTLEY CRÜE, hahaha. We were playing in these huge places with ANTHRAX and HELLOWEEN and there were like 25 or 30 girls waiting for us outside the venue. It was fucking fun, but now we are older and little wiser and don’t want to get caught in any scandals. I have two daughters of my own now, so there a little difference in the way I feel about that stuff now, haha."

Imhotep: What about other plans, are you planning to release any DVD’s or something in the near future?
Gary Holt: "Right now this album is last in our contract with Nuclear Blast, so until we have come into terms with any kind of a new deal, any future projects are in halt – including Exhibit B. The one thing we are putting out this year on our own is a double-DVD called Double Live Dynamo, which has a 1985 Dynamo Club Show with Paul Baloff and 1997 Dynamo Festival Show. They’re the only shows Paul Baloff ever did in Eindhoven, Holland and especially the 1985 show is a legendary gig and I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face when watching it."

Read more here.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt   EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt EmptyLun 3 Déc - 17:02

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt On Steve "Zetro" Sousa - "I Have No Hatred For Him"

The Classic Metal Show, heard Saturdays from 9PM-3AM EST at, interviewed EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt Saturday, and he had some rather shocking things to say. During the course of the discussion promoting the band’s new album The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibition A, Holt slammed the ex-vocalist of Exodus, Steve “Zetro” Souza as well as Islam as a religion. Below are excerpts from the conversation.

The Classic Metal Show: The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibition A really seems to attack organized religion as a whole. What is your take on organized religion?

Holt: "Organized religion in all forms is just a poison. It’s responsible for 90% of the world’s arrows. I can’t pinpoint rape and arson on it always. Probably sometimes. We attacked it in some ways, especially Children Of A Worthless God laying our sites on Radical Islam. You look at what’s going on in the Sudan with the teacher. People are screaming for her to be executed for allowing her students to name a Teddy Bear Mohammed. If that isn’t a religion that just breeds violence and teaches ignorance, then nothing is. But I have decided that the next rabbit that my snake eats will be named “Mohammed” before I feed it to my snake. I’m going to capture it on film, and I’m going to post it on the Internet so everybody can watch Mohammed going down my snake’s throat. Then I will film the shit that my snake lays and point out that that is the remnants of Mohammed. You know, fuck those assholes!"

The Classic Metal Show: Is your name Gary “Shit Disturber” Holt?
Holt: "Absolutely! You know, it’s like this. We’re not the first and we won’t be the last to attack Christianity, but why does Islam get such a free pass? The fact that you draw Mohammed and you get a death threat , but in the same sentence they get upset if you proclaim them to be a radical religion the breeds violence and shit like that. They threaten your life for drawing a cartoon of their leading fictional character."

The Classic Metal Show: We talked with your former singer Steve “Zetro” Sousa when he was out promoting his Dublin Death Patrol album, and he commented about Shovel Headed Kill Machine that he wished he had sang on it. What is your relationship with Zetro these days?
Holt: "I have to let out a hearty laugh when I hear him say that, because the last thing in the world he wanted to be was in…you know, we’re on good terms now. We’re casual friends. We don’t get together to have barbecues or watch football games. He’s a Raider fan anyway, so that’s an impossibility for a ‘Niners fan such as myself. We’re cool and everything. I think DUBLIN DEATH PATROL is a perfect project for him because it allows him to go out and play rock n’ roll singer for maybe a week at a time out of the year, and festivals and stuff. It’s so funny to hear him say that shit though, because it should have been you playing in South America instead of having to hire friends to fill in, but you were going three days before our scheduled flight time! It’s just kind of funny. You can’t have it both ways, Pal! But I have no hatred for him."

To hear this interview in it’s entirety, go here or access it on iTunes at this location.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt   EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt EmptyDim 30 Déc - 20:02

EXODUS - New Interview With Guitarist GARY HOLT Available

EXODUS Guitarist Gary Holt T80399 recently caught up with EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt. The following is an excerpt from the story:

Despite being a major force on the metal scene since the early/mid-80's, the band has seen its share of line-up changes. Over the last 15 years, members Paul Bailoff, Steve "Zetro" Souza, Rob McKillop, Paul Bostaph, Rick Hunolt, and Tom Hunting, all came and went, some a few times (Hunting is recently back in the fold), and the band recruited some new blood in the form of former Heathen guitar slinger Lee Altus, vocalist Rob Dukes, and bassist Jack Gibson.

"I never think of them as being the 'new' guys, they are just my fellow bandmates, and amazing ones at that," says Holt of the more recent additions to the band. "It's like they have been here since the dawn of the band."

Altus especially is a real household name on the thrash scene, clocking in quite a bit of time with Exodus contemporaries Heathen. You would think that both Exodus and Lee would be pretty psyched to have finally hooked up together after all these years?

“It feels fucking incredible!” says Gary. “I am so lucky to have him in this band. We've been friends since the Kirk Hammett days, so we obviously go way back and he understands what Exodus is all about and where we are going.”

Go to this location for the full story.
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