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 RUSH ( Neil Peart )

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

RUSH ( Neil Peart ) Empty
MessageSujet: RUSH ( Neil Peart )   RUSH ( Neil Peart ) EmptyDim 15 Juil - 19:21

RUSH's Neil Peart Meets Inspiration For Classic 'Red Barchetta'

RUSH ( Neil Peart ) T70007 Richard Foster, author of the short story A Nice Morning Drive which inspired the song 'Red Barchetta', has recently posted a very interesting story on a Metro Washington BMW message board. In it he tells of first learning of the RUSH connection in 1996, becoming a fan, finally contacting Peart in 2006, and finally meeting him while riding with him during the east coast leg of the S&A tour! To view pictures of the ride, as well as images of the original story as it appeared in Road & Track, visit this location.

(Thanks Windows)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

RUSH ( Neil Peart ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: RUSH ( Neil Peart )   RUSH ( Neil Peart ) EmptyLun 16 Juil - 22:27

RUSH Drummer Neil Peart - “That’s The Way We Roll”

RUSH ( Neil Peart ) T70048 RUSH drummer Neil Peart has issued the following diary during the current Snakes & Arrows tour:

"With only a few days at home after the first leg of the Snakes & Arrows tour (16 shows, 7,257 miles of motorcycling), this will definitely be the 'short version.' Still, I wanted to try to put up something new.

Photographs of the performances are plentifully available elsewhere (my view of the audience this tour is studded with innumerable cell-phone cameras, sticking up like periscopes), so I thought I might just display a couple of motorcycling photos. On this tour Michael and I haven’t even carried cameras with us on the bikes, let alone bothering to ease our steady pace to take photos, but recently we had a camera-happy “guest rider,” Richard S. Foster. The name might ring a bell to dedicated readers of album credits — our song “Red Barchetta” had a note on the lyric sheet, “Inspired by ‘A Nice Morning Drive’ by Richard S. Foster.”

I know that Rick (as he is known to his friends, among whom I now number myself) plans to tell our story himself in another forum, and it’s quite an amazing sequence of coincidences and synchronicities.

The short version (I keep saying that) is that despite my attempts back in 1980 to contact the author of the short story that had inspired 'Red Barchetta' — a story I had read in a 1973 issue of Road & Track — we only recently managed to actually make contact.

Rick rode with Michael and me through the back roads (the very back roads) of West Virginia for a couple of days between shows in near-DC and near-Pittsburgh (so many of those amphitheaters are in the exurbs), and then he attended his first Rush concert in (or near) Boston.

But that’s his story, and I’ll leave it to him to tell. Michael only left Rick with one request, from the movie Almost Famous, when the singer says to the young journalist, “Just make us look cool.”

How well Rick succeeded with that challenge, the reader may judge at this this location.:

For Michael and me, it was great just to have some photographs of us riding — something we do every day, after all, so it is nice to have it documented like that. After last tour, when I was constantly so intent on note-gathering for the book that became Roadshow, this time I have been feeling a real sense of freedom — the freedom of not having to document anything. I can simply experience it, think about it or not, and let the day flow by me as it will.

That being said, so far this tour has certainly been worthy of a book, too, in its way. I kind of wish someone else was writing one about it, but I don’t think it will be me. My journal notes consist only of our daily mileages — though I couldn’t resist noting a couple of church signs: 'Give Satan an Inch, Soon He’ll Be a Ruler', and one I just love: 'To Err is Human, But it Can Be Overdone.' So good. And I admire it not only for the worthy sentiment, but for the perfect phrasing, too.

Another church sign caught my eye because of the word 'faithless,' as in our song on Snakes and Arrows. This one seemed kind of mean, though: 'And Jesus Replied, saying, ‘You Are a Faithless and Perverse Generation.’”

Read more here.
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