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 METALLICA( James Hetfield )

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: METALLICA( James Hetfield )   METALLICA( James Hetfield ) EmptyDim 22 Juil - 22:27

METALLICA Frontman James Hetfield - "It's Scary How Gullible And Easily Fooled The Press Is!"

METALLICA( James Hetfield ) T70482 METALLICA frontman James Hetfield has issued the following update:

"In the last few weeks there have been a lot of rumors flying around saying that I was detained by airport security in London while on tour in Europe. I'm here to tell you that it never happened . . . pure fabrication! The story is simply that there is no story . . . it's scary how gullible and easily fooled the press is! With that said, we had a blast out there on the Sick Of The Studio tour and big thanks to everyone who came out to the shows and to the crew who made it happen. Now back to the studio."
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METALLICA( James Hetfield )
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