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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: MIND'S EYE   MIND'S EYE EmptyJeu 9 Aoû - 17:31

"A Gentleman's Hurricane" sera le nouvel album pour le moi de mai

un extrait ici :

quelques images du DVD accompagnant le CD :

superbe son, rappelons que dans l'équipe, il y a des ex ou actuels membres de THERION, SECRET SPHERE et NOVAK,

et l'artwork du DVD accompagnant le CD :

MIND'S EYE Agh-cover
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: MIND'S EYE   MIND'S EYE EmptyJeu 9 Aoû - 17:32

nouvelle video très esthétique aussi avec de belles images 3D :

elle est tirée de "Feed My Revolver" du nouvel album album, "A Gentleman's Hurricane"sortie en septembre (via Lion Music).

"A Gentleman's Hurricane" track listing:

01. Praying For Confession
02. Seven Days
03. AssassiNation
04. Chaos Unleashed
05. Hell's Invitation
06. Feed My Revolver
07. Ashes to Ashes
(In Land Lullaby)
08. The Hour of Need (feat. CRUCIFIED BARBARA singer Mia Coldheart)
09. Red Winter Sirens
10. Skin Crawl
11. Graveyard Hands
12. Say Goodnight
13. Pandora's Musical Box
14. Those Who Fear

un teaser :

et aussi :

MIND'S EYE L_2453bd6c570c858347484f332535812e
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: MIND'S EYE   MIND'S EYE EmptyJeu 9 Aoû - 17:33

MIND'S EYE - Eight-Minute Sampler Available For Download

MIND'S EYE 71510

The Japanese version of the new MIND'S EYE album A Gentleman's Hurricane is out now. Fans wishing to get an extended taste of the album can download a eight-minute sampler of the album here. In addition the whole track "Feed My Revolver" can be heard at the bands official MySpace page as well as its video.

A Gentleman's Hurricane is released on Lion Music on September 14th in a worldwide metal first of CD/DVD and comic book coming in a DVD case package (see below for artwork). The album is a concept album based on the following premise:

"In a dark and foggy day in September, three shots are heard in the deep dark woods of The Mother Of Presidents state of Virginia. Adam Evangelista, a 53 year old top assassin whose ice cold walls have now been worn down by his continuing growing guilt, searches for an answer to it all. Acknowledging that he can't continue without finding a way to ease his mind, he seeks refuge at the town's church where Adam meets the now retired head priest Father Cavallero Di Mori, coincidently visiting his old church and parish. Adam tries to get into the depths of his own disturbed but genius mind. Describing his life and assassinations for his new friend Father Cavallero during sessions of confessions, both men reveal deep secrets unknown to the outside world - dark secrets they are both ashamed of. Adam's sins and stories stretch from Sweden, Ireland, Italy, France, to the former USSR , Mexico and the USA. Taking orders from the well known secret society The Illuminati, Adam's "marks" are some of the most important people in our time. But there is a catch; only seven days to poor his heart out before his very last job and time is running out. Twelve Murders in Seven days. So little time… So much to tell…"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: MIND'S EYE   MIND'S EYE EmptyJeu 9 Aoû - 17:38

Infos générales
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Membres du groupe

MIND'S EYE Agh_andreasANDREAS NOVAK / Lead vocals

MIND'S EYE Agh_johanJOHAN NIEMANN / Bass and guitars

MIND'S EYE Agh_danielDANIEL FLORES / Drums, keyboards, string arrangements and all harmony vocals
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