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 RUSH - Alex Lifeson Guitar Player Video

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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RUSH - Alex Lifeson Guitar Player Video Interview Online

RUSH - Alex Lifeson Guitar Player Video 71558

RUSH blog RushIsABand reports:

"Last week I let you know that Alex Lifeson graces the cover of the September 2007 issue of Guitar Player Magazine. The magazine's website now has three videos of Lerxst up on their Guitar Player TV site.

The first is a 4 and a half minute sit-down interview where Alex talks about his favorite Rush songs among other things. In the second video Alex introduces us to all the guitars he's brought on tour, and in the last video Lerxst shows off his stage rig.

To view the videos just go to the Guitar Player TV site and look for the Alex Lifeson Channel to the left of the screen."

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