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 DIRTY RIG Invite Fans To DVD Shoot

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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DIRTY RIG Invite Fans To DVD Shoot

DIRTY RIG Invite Fans To DVD Shoot T71848 DIRTY RIG bassist Buckshot has extended the following invitation:

"Brothers and sisters of metal. I am calling out the Dirty Rig Militia for this show. We are filming a DVD in October.

As all of you know, when Dirty Rig put outs a CD we always include a DVD of a live show. I am a big fan of music and I love it when my favorite bands give the fans something a little extra for their money. That is why we always do extra shit for our CDs.

This time we are going to do a live show plus some behind the scenes shit. I have a lot of crap on video of the band completely wasted. Good times I say. We have a lot of funny shit I think everyone will enjoy.

Here is the show info:

October 12th
Dingbatz - DVD Shoot
620 Van Houten Ave
Clifton, New Jersey 07011
Cost: $10.00
Filming starts at 8:30PM

If you ain't there you better be dead or in jail.

Please come on down and get some face time on camera. We want people wasted for this. Bottles will be flowing.

We are going to have a lot of giveaways from our sponsors for the show. It's going to rock!

Beers Up,

Rock Did It
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