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 JUDAS PRIEST ( Autobiography)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JUDAS PRIEST ( Autobiography) Empty
MessageSujet: JUDAS PRIEST ( Autobiography)   JUDAS PRIEST ( Autobiography) EmptyMar 21 Aoû - 0:36

Original JUDAS PRIEST Singer To Pen New Autobiography

JUDAS PRIEST ( Autobiography) T72186 Original JUDAS PRIEST singer AL ATKINS (THE HOLY RAGE) is working on a new autobiography dubbed Dawn Of The Metal Gods: My Life In Judas Priest & Heavy Metal.

"For some time now I have wanted to write my own book about my amazing life in heavy metal," says Atkins. "Finally that dream has come true; after befriending Neil Daniels – a freelance rock writer and heavy metal fan – during the writing of his book The Story Of Judas Priest: Defenders Of The Faith (Omnibus Press) we have come up with some great ideas together. I am going to co-author my autobiography with Neil and it will be published by Iron Pages. It will be called Dawn Of The Metal Gods: My Life In Judas Priest & Heavy Metal. Of course there will be some great stories from my few years in Priest but also, loads of info on the sixties music scene in Birmingham and the West Midlands. I knew bands like SLADE, TRAPEZE and THE BAND OF JOY. I saw CREAM live, befriended BUDGIE and supported ROD STEWART. Also, I was in a band called LION in the late ‘70s and we supported the SEX PISTOLS and THE STRANGLERS. I also have a solo career and have released five albums so far; my new CD is called Demon Deceiver. It should make for an exciting read. There’ll also be loads of photos from the early years of Judas Priest and pictures of ticket stubs, posters, memorabilia, etc. Watch out for it on the book shelves and on the Internet during the second half of 2008!"

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