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 THIN LIZZY - Photos

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: THIN LIZZY - Photos   THIN LIZZY - Photos EmptyDim 26 Aoû - 22:46

THIN LIZZY - Rare Photos Unveiled

THIN LIZZY - Photos 72585

Peter Nielsen's THIN LIZZY guide has posted a number of rare photos from the band by photographer Nick Sharp. The story behind the photos is as follows:
"The history behind those shots and many others shown by Peter as part of his ongoing series is they came from the collection of the late Tony Brainsby, Lizzy's former press officer. As well as many published images there were also many out-takes from known photo sessions and many totally unseen shots. Many were on approx A4 sized contact sheets containing 20 or shots others were standard 10 x 8 images and a lot were on 35mm slide along with some fantastic 55mm transparencies. A well known memorabilia dealer in the North West obtained much material from Brainsby just a couple of years before he passed away. Unfortunately instead of keeping the Lizzy material as a complete collection much was passed on through the trade so it took a long time to track most of it down but eventually most of it was saved. The whole lot was copied and added to which took around three months of solid work and copies were passed on to a handful of people I trusted including a certain lady in Dublin who sent a very nice letter at the time which was a much appreciated gesture. Various other collectors then also contributed images and the beginnings of an archive of Lizzy images began to take shape. Once the material was no longer needed as collateral the original collection was split and moved on over a period of time in order to try and reimburse the four figure sum invested. The stage was reached last year whereby I felt the images should be given a much wider audience and they have appeared via the web. Many have been used since for financial gain by those who sell shite via t'Bay etc. which was to be expected. The most disappointing though is seeing others try to take credit for the efforts of myself and several others. I may have a big gob and forthright opinions which I know does get up peoples noses sometimes but it's an attitude that gets things done. Some see that as egotistical, whilst those who really know me and what I do say I don't blow my own trumpet enough, well on this occasion I want people to know exactly how stuff that could have been 'lost' forever was actually saved and made available."

More photos can be found here.
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