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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WITHIN TEMPTATION - Photo Gallery Empty
MessageSujet: WITHIN TEMPTATION - Photo Gallery   WITHIN TEMPTATION - Photo Gallery EmptyMar 11 Sep - 23:52

WITHIN TEMPTATION - BW&BK Photo Gallery Available

WITHIN TEMPTATION - Photo Gallery T73432 Dutch metallers WITHIN TEMPTATION continue their maiden North American voyage, regardless of audience size (no thanks to faceless opening acts), happy to be converting new fans at each tour stop. In Philadelphia, PA at the Theater Of The Living Arts on September 9th, a preponderence of newer material (as someone who interviewed them at Dynamo in '99, would have liked a few more vintage songs), it was eight songs in before the clasic 'Mother Earth', the lone non-Silent Force/Heart Of Everything track in the 14 track main set! The three-song encore was 'Deceiver Of Fools' and concluding 'Ice Queen' bookended around 'Memories'.

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