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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: VICTOR SMOLSKI   VICTOR SMOLSKI EmptyDim 23 Sep - 16:11

VICTOR SMOLSKI Reports On RAGE In The Studio, European Tour, MIND ODYSSEY "Best Of"

VICTOR SMOLSKI T74192 RAGE guitarist VICTOR SMOLSKI has issued the following update:

"I just have finished the recordings of the guitar tracks for the new Rage album Carved In Stone. This time, I decided to record the sound in general rougher and more dry, but I really like the result and the somehow little changed guitar sound. Concerning the music itself, we have concentrated ourselves more onto straight power-songs this time, and we also decided to do it without any progressiv instrumental parts and any orchestra, as we did on our last CD. 10 songs - asskickin!

A detailed studio report you'll find at the RAGE ON webseite.

On Saturday, October 27th, I will present some songs taken out of the album Into The Light, which I produced earlier this year. Together with my bandmembers Peavy & André and various guests on stage of the Martin Schleyer hall in Stuttgart, we will perform for the finale of the "20th Anniversary Of Nuclear Blast Festival".

At 9 PM, Rage will also do a signing-session.

For the upcoming European tour of Rage in 2008, I have invited the Russian band ASPECT as a support act. Thanks to the support of Marinsound studio, the band will present their new CD on tour.

Together with my good old friend Mario Le Mole, singer of the band MIND ODYSSEY, we have planned a great X-mas gift for all the fans: a "Best Of" album with the most successfull songs, taken out of all four Mind Odyssey CDs, with bonus material including one videoclip!"

More photos available here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VICTOR SMOLSKI   VICTOR SMOLSKI EmptySam 22 Déc - 15:29

VICTOR SMOLSKI Issues Christmas Greetings

RAGE guitarist VICTOR SMOLSKI checks in with the following:

"Hello Metal-Classic-Racing-heads!!

...and again another whole year has passed, time is running so fast, faster than you can realize... At full throttle on guitar and racing circuit - and already reached the finish line:

A lot of dreams came true for me this year!

People who still remember my last sentence on From The Cradle To The Stage Rage DVD, about that I'd love to organize and offer a great show with band and orchestra to all Rage-fans one day might know, that this dream came true for me during this year's Wacken Open Air! There's no chance on doing it better than doing a huge Rage-show infront of 100,000 fans with my own orchestra and good ol' friends with whom I started my musical career!

At the beginning of 2007 I had great fun, composing and producing a sampler with best metalsingers for Nuclear Blast's 20th anniversary.

Together with André Hilgers on drums, we have put a lot of fresh "raging" energy into the new Carved In Stone CD! I still have no idea which song I like most on this album... somehow all of them became great. Many thanks go out to Charly Czajkowski for all his patience in studio. I'm already looking forward to present all these songs live on tour to all our fans.

Another dream was to finally reach the first position in a longdistance race on the Nürburgring - and that I realized even 2 times this year! Both of these victories made me forget the real bad accident I had during the 24h-race! Many thanks go out to Veytal-Tuning, my racing team and good pals, for great support during this season! Our new M3's gonna be even faster...

In spring 2007 the doors to my Unity Music School in Hamm were opened and this year I did so many workshops
worldwide like I've never done before.

In 2008 there also gonna be an official comeback of my former band MIND ODYSSEY und we're about to start over with a "Best Of" album by the beginning of the year! Great feeling, to awake all these gorgeous songs again to living!

Many thanks to all my friends, fans and endorsement companies for your support!

Merry X-mas to all of you, Happy New Year and never give up dreaming!"

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