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 ProgPower Europe 2008

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: ProgPower Europe 2008   ProgPower Europe 2008 EmptyLun 15 Oct - 23:13

ProgPower Europe 2008 75696

ProgPower Europe 2008 - DIVISION BY ZERO Announced As First Band Confirmed

ProgPower Europe 2008 is scheduled for October 3rd - 5th, 2008 at JC Sjiwa in Baarlo, The Netherlands.

Organizers state, "We have booked the first band for our 10th anniversary next year, DIVISION BY ZERO from Poland, a very promising new band. We have started pre-reservations of the package deals, including a weekend ticket and a stay at Kasteel de Berckt.

Further festival details at this location.
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