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 Roadburn Festival 13 - 2008

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Roadburn Festival 13 - 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Roadburn Festival 13 - 2008   Roadburn Festival 13 - 2008 EmptyJeu 8 Nov - 20:35

Roadburn Festival 13 - TROUBLE, CEPHALIC CARNAGE Confirmed; Further Details Surface

Roadburn Festival 13 - 2008 77234

The 13th annual Roadburn Festival will take place April 18th - 19th, 2008, at the 013 Club in Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Organizers have issued the following update:

"Hello 'burners, we are very excited to announce the latest confirmed acts for next year's festival: TROUBLE have been confirmed for the Friday Roadburn date, Friday April 18th, 2008 and CEPHALIC CARNAGE is going to drone out on Saturday, April 19th, beckoning the festival attendees to enter the Halls of Amenti.

Indeed, the band is going to play the entirety of Halls Of Amenti, their ultra doom-influenced record from 2002, as part of an entire set of drone and doom. Cephalic Carnage will be doing this special set only at Roadburn during their forthcoming European tour, and performing Halls Of Amenti live for only the second time ever."

Read more about the festival at this location.
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