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 GOTTHARD Swedish TV station TV 4 "Nyhetsmorgon" on

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

GOTTHARD Swedish TV station TV 4 "Nyhetsmorgon" on Empty
MessageSujet: GOTTHARD Swedish TV station TV 4 "Nyhetsmorgon" on   GOTTHARD Swedish TV station TV 4 "Nyhetsmorgon" on EmptySam 17 Nov - 19:36

Gotthard will be guests on the Swedish TV station TV 4 "Nyhetsmorgon" on Nov. 20.

TV 4 Sweden can be watched in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but for those of you who can..t recieve the channel, you still have a chance to see the Gotthard performance.

Normally the TV station will upload videoclips of their guests during the day, so go to and look for the videoclips on Nov. 20

bon, pinçons nous, c'est bien en Suède, bien noter l'adresse internet, il y aura des video clips en ligne
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GOTTHARD Swedish TV station TV 4 "Nyhetsmorgon" on
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