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 Summer Breeze Open Air Festival - 2007 Video

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Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Summer Breeze Open Air Festival - 2007 Video   Summer Breeze Open Air Festival - 2007 Video EmptyDim 18 Nov - 19:47

Summer Breeze Open Air Festival - 2007 Video Retrospective Available

Organizers of Germany's Summer Breeze Open Air Festival have issued the following update:

"At this year’s Summer Breeze we had the chance to welcome a new web TV station named The team had a chance to look behind the scenes and interviewed the bands each of the three days. So they filmed an extensive and at the same time very amusing fan questioning which makes it pretty clear why the festival is so popular. They also took a little walk around through our beautiful host town and did an interview with two of the promoters and a light tech. Despite that interviews can bee seen with DORO, OOMPH!, SUFFOCATION, HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, KRYPTERIA, L’ÂME IMMORTELLE as well as a well worth watching bag pipe special with Wim from TANZWUT and CORVUS CORAX.

Moderation was being done by Marcus Schleutermann (a.o. Rock Hard) and Sarah Berger (tour manager of Pain a.o.) who both have a long year experience within the scene. The Summer Breeze special can be seen in episodes three and four. Each feature can be watched 'on demand', meaning any time! The loading times are not worth mentioning. The features can also be picked separately. All you need is a DSL connection and a Flashplayer 9 which is available for free. So click in to and let this fulminant Summer Breeze weekend pass again!"
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Summer Breeze Open Air Festival - 2007 Video
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