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 LAUREN HARRIS Confirmed As Support For 2008 IRON MAIDEN Tour

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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: LAUREN HARRIS Confirmed As Support For 2008 IRON MAIDEN Tour   LAUREN HARRIS Confirmed As Support For 2008 IRON MAIDEN Tour EmptyMer 28 Nov - 23:05

LAUREN HARRIS Confirmed As Support For 2008 IRON MAIDEN Tour

LAUREN HARRIS Confirmed As Support For 2008 IRON MAIDEN Tour 78510

LAUREN HARRIS, the daughter of IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris, and band will be accompanying Iron Maiden on the first leg of next year's Somewhere Back In Time World 2008 Tour as support act.

Says Rod Smallwood, "We're very happy to have Lauren and band travelling with us again this year and be part of this great tour as after all she is literally part of the 'Maiden family'. Everywhere she performed with us last year she received a great reaction in front of both Maiden audiences and festival crowds as well and it's also good to have a support band along with us throughout this first leg of the tour as part of the travelling party our 757 which as you can see on the website is taking shape very nicely!"

Lauren toured all over the world while during 2006 and finished off last year with European tours with THE ANSWER and supporting ALICE COOPER in the UK. This year kicked off with a extensive European tour with WITHIN TEMPTATION.

Currently on a UK tour with THUNDER, Lauren will be putting the finishing touches to her debut album in the next few months although fans can hear some songs on her MySpace page.

For more information on Lauren, music and the details of where she's playing over the coming weeks please visit her myspace page here.

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