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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: MANOWAR   MANOWAR EmptyDim 2 Déc - 4:58

MANOWAR To Play Live In Bulgaria At Kaliakra Rock Fest This Summer

MANOWAR T78761 At a press conference in Sofia, Bulgaria on December 1, 2008 Joey DeMaio and Eric Adams of MANOWAR announced they'll play live in Kavarna, Bulgaria "on July 5 or 6, 2008 - right after Euro 2008."

The show will be part of the annual Kaliakra Rock Fest, which lasts three days. Tickets go on sale on December 20, costing 90 leva / 45 Euro. The first 500 fans who'll buy tickets will receive a special gift - Manowar's new DVD, Live In Bulgaria - Kaliakra Rock Fest 2007.

The DVD features footage of Manowar's show in Kavarna on June 30, 2007 featuring the following 12 tracks:
'Call To Arms',
'Sun Of Death',
'Screams Of Blood',
'Each Dawn I Die',
'Fighting The World',
'Blood Of My Enemies',
'Kings Of Metal',

'Die For Metal',
'Thor (The Powerhead)',
'Metal Warriors',
'Mila Rodino' (Bulgaria's National Anthem),
'Hail And Kill'.

The DVD will also feature live footage by the supporting bands at the show - HOLYHELL and SIXTH SENSE.

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