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 ICED EARTH - Barlow In, North American Tour

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ICED EARTH - Barlow In, North American Tour Empty
MessageSujet: ICED EARTH - Barlow In, North American Tour   ICED EARTH - Barlow In, North American Tour EmptyVen 14 Déc - 19:48

ICED EARTH - Barlow In, North American Tour Out

Untold number of fans were ecstatic to learn that vocalist Matt Barlow would be re-joining ICED EARTH, following a four-year absence. Given the sudden, and admittedly out-of-the-blue, revelation, BW&BK scribe Mark Gromen put in a call to founder/guitarist Jon Schaffer. Fresh from England and Europe, where the band opened for HEAVEN AND HELL, as well as a short headlining stint, Schaffer is busy writing the second instalment of the Something Wicked story-line, Revelation Abomination. Most of the conversation will remain private (at Schaffer's request), to be publicly disseminated when he does official press, sometime after the holidays. What can be confirmed is that the timing of recording and release will be affected by Tim 'Ripper' Owens (BEYOND FEAR, ex-JUDAS PRIEST) being replaced by Barlow, namely down to the birth of Barlow's child (his wife going into labor earlier today December 12th). A family man himself, Schaffer understands the commitment, keeping Barlow out of the studio until late February. "I'm behind anyway," admits Schaffer, "I'm writing the lyrics/vocal melodies and starting the vocal arrangements now. I have three songs done. We should have be doing master vocal takes the second week of January and mixing in early February, but that's changed now."

Needless to say, a delayed trip to the studio means the planned (?) spring tour is off and all future dates will have to be co-ordinated around Barlow's career. Expect to see a full statement from Matt Barlow within the next day or so, posted on
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