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 Gigantour 2008

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Gigantour 2008   Gigantour 2008 EmptySam 22 Déc - 16:22

Gigantour 2008 To Feature Five Bands Instead Of Eight

Gigantour 2008 T80077 MEGADETH frontman Dave Mustaine has posted a Gigantour 2008 update on the official Gigantour Forums:

"The breaking news is we are going to have five bands this year, instead of eight. The decision to drop it down from eight bands to five was based on timing, set lengths, stage sizes, unions, and most importantly allowing 'us' - the musicians - to deliver to 'you' the fans the best shows we can. Besides it is easier to remember five bands and crews worth of names than eight."

Read Mustaine's entire post here.
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