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 tribute ' COZY POWELL '

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

tribute ' COZY POWELL ' Empty
MessageSujet: tribute ' COZY POWELL '   tribute ' COZY POWELL ' EmptySam 29 Déc - 14:08

A Tribute To Drummer COZY POWELL On His 60th Birthday

tribute ' COZY POWELL ' T80356 has issued the following update:

"Happy Birthday to Colin Flooks, better known as Cozy Powell..

If Cozy were still with us, today would have been his 60th birthday. Seems weird that he's been gone now for nine years. If you're reading this site, then you know of Cozy's influence. If you don't, well, shame on you. Go read about Cozy.

You can visit the site that Cozy and I started in 1997 before he died, which stands to this day now as a tribute. Or check out his Wikipedia page. Or the albums he was on with Black Sabbath (Headless Cross, Tyr, and Forbidden). There's also all of his work with RAINBOW, WHITESNAKE, oh good lord - there's too many bands to list. Don't forget his solo work, too.

Check out this video, too. It's not Black Sabbath, but it's a classic Cozy bit..."

Joe Siegler
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