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 GAMMA RAY's Kai Hansen - New Audio Interview

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: GAMMA RAY's Kai Hansen - New Audio Interview   GAMMA RAY's Kai Hansen - New Audio Interview EmptyVen 11 Jan - 20:03

GAMMA RAY's Kai Hansen - New Audio Interview Online

GAMMA RAY's Kai Hansen - New Audio Interview T81041 Rock Is Life have issued an interview with GAMMA RAY frontman Kai Hansen (ex-HELLOWEEN), conducted by George Dionne.

During the chat Kai discusses:

- Why they released another Land Of The Free album
- Why the group left Sanctuary Records
- How the group ended up touring with Hansen's former group Helloween
- Whether there will be a musical collaboration with Helloween in the future
- The new Gamma Ray DVD
- How Hansen felt after hearing Helloween was going to revisit Keeper Of The Seven Keys without him

Listen to the interview at
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GAMMA RAY's Kai Hansen - New Audio Interview
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