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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: SLASH PUPPET -   SLASH PUPPET - EmptyLun 14 Jan - 2:13

SLASH PUPPET - No Strings Attached Makes Sleaze Roxx' Top Ten Albums Of 2007 List


Slash Puppet's new album, No Strings Attached, which features all eight tracks from their original 1989 demo tape known simply as The Demo, hit the #7 spot in the Sleaze Roxx Top Ten Of 2007 list. The following is the site's take on the album:

"Someone from Canada's Slash Puppet must have pissed off the Rock Gods because, as this CD
shows, there is no way they shouldn't have become household names when they first burst upon the scene in the late 80s. This collection of recordings from early in their career shows that Slash Puppet should have rivaled or even exceeded bands such as RATT..."

Go to this location for the rest of the write-up and the complete Top Ten list.

No Strings Attached was issued through Sun City Records out of Australia on September 3rd, 2007.
The tracklist is as follows:
'Slow Down',
'Squeeze It In',
'Hard On Love',
'Bad Girls',
'Turn It On',
'Evil Woman',
'Some Kind O' Lady',

No Strings Attached is available for purchase at this location.

As previously reported, BW&BK learned back in August that Slash Puppet frontman Mif (real name: Anthony Mifsud) is starring in an upcoming movie entitled Just Business with Gina Gershon. A brief overview of the film, due for a 2008 release, can be viewed below. Mif DOES NOT appear in the clip but BW&BK will be following the release, as he plays a pivotal role in the film:

For more information on Mif and his career as an actor go to and
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