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 AMERICAN DOG - Video For 'Sometimes You Eat The Pussy'

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: AMERICAN DOG - Video For 'Sometimes You Eat The Pussy'   AMERICAN DOG - Video For 'Sometimes You Eat The Pussy' EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 20:05

AMERICAN DOG - Video For 'Sometimes You Eat The Pussy' Released

AMERICAN DOG - Video For 'Sometimes You Eat The Pussy' 81406

AMERICAN DOG has issued the following update:

While everyone else is busy gazing at their navels and contemplating the year 2007 in review, American Dog is fueling up the road machine and kicking off 2008 by planting a size 12 right in baby New Year’s arse. Like Rodan on a bender, American Dog will be unleashing it (doggy style, of course) in the east with a 10-show attack of Japan. “I've been drinking a lot of Sapporo and Kirin to prepare for the tour” states bassist/vocalist Michael Hannon, “As a matter of fact, I'm preparing right now!”

Coming off 2007’s slam-dunk release Hard, Hannon, guitarist Steve Theado and drummer Keith Pickens are ready to yet again extend the American Dog bite to new shores. After successful jaunts overseas to France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland and the UK, American Dog will hit the streets of Japan running with 10 shows in 10 days. In addition to overseas dates, American Dog grabbed their Ouija boards and channeled their inner Three Stooges for the video to the Hard track, 'Sometimes You Eat The Pussy…'.

Destined to be a prom night classic, 'Sometimes You Eat The Pussy…' has a video that’s every bit as PC as the song and the band themselves. “Normally the majority of our video budget goes towards beer,” explains Michael. “This time we spent half our budget on a midget…”. The video, directed by Rob Kern for From Out Of Nowhere Productions, takes the attitude and beer-fueled insanity that is American Dog and boils it down to three minutes that would make Larry, Moe and Curly proud. The video will also be featured on an American Dog DVD to be released by Bad Reputation this April. Michael wanted to let it all hang out for this video. “I had an idea to bring back the old David Lee Roth style of videos, so we tracked down Kat The Midget Entertainer and went right to it. The only thing we’re missing is a monkey smoking a cigar.”

To view the video for 'Sometimes You Eat The Pussy…' click here.
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