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 METALLICA Pack Tops Rock Band Download List

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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

METALLICA Pack Tops Rock Band Download List Empty
MessageSujet: METALLICA Pack Tops Rock Band Download List   METALLICA Pack Tops Rock Band Download List EmptyVen 18 Jan - 21:02

METALLICA Pack Tops Rock Band Download List has issued the following report from Brendan Sinclair:

When Harmonix first announced Rock Band, it made it very clear that the studio would be pouring significant resources into the game's downloadable content. Nearly two months after the game first debuted on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in the US, it appears gamers have followed suit.

Harmonix and parent company MTV Games today announced that they have sold more than 2.5 million downloadable songs for the game through the Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Network. The best-selling download to date is the METALLICA pack, which features the original versions of 'Ride the Lightning', 'Blackened', and 'And Justice for All'. Combo packs from THE POLICE, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, DAVID BOWIE (two covers and one original), and BLACK SABBATH (three cover songs) follow Metallica on the best-selling list.

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