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 R:I:P - Live Pictures From Frankenthal Show Available

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

R:I:P - Live Pictures From Frankenthal Show Available Empty
MessageSujet: R:I:P - Live Pictures From Frankenthal Show Available   R:I:P - Live Pictures From Frankenthal Show Available EmptyLun 21 Jan - 21:09

R:I:P - Live Pictures From Frankenthal Show Available

R:I:P - Live Pictures From Frankenthal Show Available T81638 R:I:P, the German melodic thrash/death metal band featuring MAJESTY guitarist Björn Daigger and MIDNATTSOL members Chris Merzinsky (drums) and Birgit Öllbrunner (bass), have posted pictures from their January 18th show at the Zuckerfabrik in Frankenthal, Germany. Go to this location to check them out.

As previously reported, R:I:P's debut album ...Out To R:I:P All Nations, was released in Europe on September 28th through Twilight. It is now available for purchase via iTunes.

The complete album tracklist is as follows:
'Crushing The Lies',
'Bittersweet Pain',
'Fade Away',
'The Cold Place',
'Craving For Unity',
'From The Remains',
'Crawling Through Broken Glass',
'Sucking Life',
'Blink Of An Eye',

Check out audio samples here.
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R:I:P - Live Pictures From Frankenthal Show Available
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