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 M.ILL.ION New Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

M.ILL.ION New Album Empty
MessageSujet: M.ILL.ION New Album   M.ILL.ION New Album EmptyVen 1 Fév - 18:50

M.ILL.ION New Album Title Announced

Swedish rockers M.ILL.ION have issued the following update:

"We're in the middle of mixing here. I spend my days in the great Bohus Studio together with the brilliant mixing guy Tobias Lindell. Today we finished song #6 so we're halfway through what will soon become Thrill Of The Chase - the brand new M.ill.ion album!!!

How does it sound? .... Hmm, 'melodies and muscles' might be one way to put it. I don't think you will be disappointed... I'm very excited and it rocks, baby!

Still waiting for the official release date from the record company but late May is what we're aiming for. Today five sketches for the cover landed in my email and you might see which one we'll go with pretty soon. We all agreed on one specific cover and all the people around us say the same, so that's a good sign.

On February 10 we'll shoot the new official photos so stay tuned for those as well.

Later this year it's time for M.ill.ion to do some touring, don't you think? This will be helped by the fact that we, after a couple of weeks of mail contact and a good face-to-face meeting, recently signed to the new booking agency Sweden Metal Music Entertainment. We are also in talks with a couple of more good companies for different markets. Gig and touring offers have already started to drop in and Germany, Sweden and Italy are among the countries that might be Millionized in a not too distant future... More info will come."
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