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 WHITESNAKE/TRAPEZE Guitarist Mel Galley Dying

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WHITESNAKE/TRAPEZE Guitarist Mel Galley Dying Empty
MessageSujet: WHITESNAKE/TRAPEZE Guitarist Mel Galley Dying   WHITESNAKE/TRAPEZE Guitarist Mel Galley Dying EmptyJeu 7 Fév - 22:54

WHITESNAKE/TRAPEZE Guitarist Mel Galley Dying With Cancer

WHITESNAKE/TRAPEZE Guitarist Mel Galley Dying T82929 Back on January 20th, former WHITESNAKE/TRAPEZE guitarist, Mel Galley, annonced:

"It is with regret that I have to announce the postponement of my two shows scheduled for the end of March. This is due to me having to undergo surgery to remove a tumour that has been found in my oesophagus. At this stage I have no other details I can give as I am awaiting further tests."

Today, the following report comes from Britain's

World-famous Whitesnake guitarist Mel Galley is seriously ill with cancer, the 59-year-old Staffordshire musician has revealed today.

The rock legend from Cannock has broken the devastating news to friends that he only has a short time to live after recently being diagnosed with the disease. It comes just a month before the star was due to take to the stage again with a new band after years away from the spotlight.

Mel said: “It happens, but I’ve had a fantastic life.

I have been very lucky. I have seen some great bands, and played with many great musicians. And I have enjoyed some tremendous experiences. I am thankful that I can say a proper goodbye to all the friends I have made, who are now rallying round me.”

Stay tuned for further updates.
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