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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: IRON STEEL   IRON STEEL EmptyJeu 7 Fév - 22:59

IRON STEEL Guitarist Checks In

Tommy Redd of the new thrash supergroup IRON STEEL has written an exclusive blog entry for MetalSucks. The band also features Morgan Rose (SEVENDUST) on drums; Dave Ellefson (ex-MEGADETH), Jim LaMarca (CHIMAIRA) and Rachel Bolan (SKID ROW) all on bass; along with Redd and vocalist/guitarist Fran Strine. Each week a different member will be posting a blog entry at MetalSucks. This week Redd reports on a recent run-in with Afghani rebels during the band’s tour of Asia. An excerpt from the blog entry follows:

"I was really trying not to let anyone suspect I had an other-life, but when Iron Steel toured through Afghanistan, I had to take a band of heavily armed enemy forces using only my guitar strings and Fran walked up to me as I strangled the last rebel and took the bloody string to use on his guitar. Another time I had to use Morgan’s sticks to disembowel someone, he found the guts on them and made me explain (Morgan has torture down to a science - I’m jealous).

So now you know all you can about me without putting your life in danger. I am starting to think that these MetalSucks guys might know too much and may need to be ‘taken care of’. Uh, Vince… Can I talk to you in the back lounge of the deluxe Iron Steel tour bus? Pay no attention to that guitar slide in my hand…"

Read the full blog entry here.
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