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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyMar 26 Fév - 23:25


SEBASTIAN BACH, the former lead vocalist of SKID ROW, recently did an interview with The Classic Metal Show. During the interview, the subject of his ability to write songs and his former band’s claims that he didn’t write, was discussed. During this exchange, Bach vehemently denied this allegation and even proclaimed 'I am Skid Row.' To download a copy of the interview, go to this location.

The Classic Metal Show: With Angel down, you put down a whole lot of rumors that were out there. I don’t want to say they were started by your past band, because I don’t know where I heard them from to be honest. I just remember reading that you couldn’t write songs, to you couldn’t sing anymore. You’ve clearly put all of that stuff to bed.

SEBASTIAN BACH: "Yeah, well, Those guys are liars for one thing. To say that I don’t write songs is such a hilarious thing to say. All you’ve got to do is look at the back of the records to see who wrote the songs. It’s like, I don’t know what to say. When I walk around the house with a Dictaphone in 1991, you know a little tape deck, humming the riff to 'Slave To The Grind', going 'Here’s a cool riff.' Then I go into the rehearsal room and I go, 'Hey, play this. Here’s a drum beat (makes drum beat). Here’s a fuckin’ melody (sings the melody).' How the fuck is that not writing a song? I wrote 'Wasted Time'; every single word of the song. It’s just weird that they would say that, because they know that it’s not true. Here’s the deal. Those guys in that band, all they ever say is how they hate me and they hate the old band and we never got along. That’s a real brilliant marketing strategy. Let’s be Skid Row and tell everybody how much we hate Skid Row. That’s a great idea. What the fuck? I LOVE Skid Row. I AM Skid Row! I can guarantee you that of all five guys in that band, the original lineup, I’m the only one walking down the street where people pull their car over and yell 'Hey, Skid Row motherfucker! Yeah! Alright! Yeah! Right on, dude! Skid Row!' I can guarantee you that none of them get that, ever! I get it everywhere I go, and will until the day I die. I’m the one that has people hanging out of their windows screaming 'Skid Row', or walking through the mall going, 'hey, fuckin’ Skid Row, dude.' I can guarantee you that none of those other guys get that, 100%. I can’t leave the house without that happening at least a couple of times a day. I can’t even go in my driveway without people screaming that shit. “Skid Row, dude! Yeah!!!' You can call it what you want, but when you listen to ANGEL DOWN, and then you listen to the stuff they put out without me, you can hear who the rock N’ roll fan is. You know, I’m not going to release a country single any time soon. I’m not going to release a punk rock version of '18 And Life' fuckin’ any time fuckin’ soon. That’s for sure. That’s not me, dude. I think it sounds good the way it is."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyVen 7 Mar - 19:16

SEBASTIAN BACH - Venue Change For Finnish Date; Appearance On Howard Stern Superfan Roundtable Tomorrow

SEBASTIAN BACH - T85015 SEBASTIAN BACH's June 7th date in Tampere, Finland has changed venues. Originally scheduled for the Pakkahoune venue, Bach will now perform on the 7th at the Sauna Open Air Festival.

In other news, Sebastian will guest on the "Howard 101 - Howard Stern Superfan Roundtable" today (Friday, March 7th at 2 PM on Sirius Radio. Howard 101 with High Pitched Eric repeats Sunday at 10 PM.

In related news, as reported earlier, Uncensored Net Noise ( have announced that former Bach will guest on the program today (Friday, March 7th( at 9:15 PM (EST).

Further show details can be found here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyMer 11 Juin - 1:34

SEBASTIAN BACH - "I Want To Say Sorry To All The Fans In Sweden, But We Tried Our Best To Get To You To Play"

SEBASTIAN BACH - T91236 SEBASTIAN BACH (ex-SKID ROW) has issued the following tour update:

"The road. What a twisted tale it weaves. You can never, ever predict what will happen when you step out on the long and winding road. Yesterday was a perfect example of this.

We were booked for five shows in Europe this month solely because of the chance to play Sweden Rock, an incredible festival in Solvesborg, Sweden, for the second time. The first time we played there, in 2005, was one of the greatest shows of our career. To be asked back for a second time was an easy 'yes' from us, we were so excited to play for all the 35,000 or so Sweden Rockers and also hang out with and watch all the other great bands on the bill. When it was publicized that we were playing Sweden Rock , all of a sudden we got offers to play in Oslo, Norway, Tallinn, Estonia, Tampere, Finland, and Oulu, Finland. We accepted all of these shows, all booked around the big one, Sweden Rock. After two weeks in Australia, playing five shows in Europe before the big summer USA tour seemed like the perfect thing to do.

But you can never predict what the road has in store.

Basically, there was no way to pull this off. Touring Europe these days means flying from gig to gig. That means checking all guitars, basses, drums, merch, sound racks, backdrops, band luggage, everything you see on the stage has to be checked in at every airport before and after each and every show. It is always a crapshoot to see if you will actually get all your gear on the other side. If you have a connecting flight, you are at the mercy of baggage handlers at each airport to load up all your gear in time to make the connecting flight. Heathrow in London UK is the absolute worst for this. Every time we have flown to Heathrow, they have lost bags, kept us in a "holding pattern" above the airport so long that we invariably miss our connecting flight, tell us our carry on luggage is "too big" and must now be checked (even though we flew with the carry-ons from Australia, New York , LA, or further with no problem whatsoever). I actually dread all airports now, but Heathrow is without a doubt the worst in the world.

So, we go onstage in Oslo at 10 pm. We are due to be onstage at Sweden Rock the next day at 1pm in the afternoon. There is only one flight that leaves from Norway in time for us to make this stage time. The only way we can do it is if we catch the 6:15am flight to Stockholm, and then catch the 8:15am connecting flight to Ronneby, Sweden, the closest airport to Sweden Rock, then drive straight to the stage, play the show , then drive straight back to airport to fly to Tallinn, Estonia for our next nights show at The Old Monastery Yard. There is only one flight from Sweden to Estonia each day, at 6 pm. If you miss that, you have to wait till the next day at 6 to fly again! Its not like America where there are flights everywhere hour on the hour. This schedule left no time to sleep, and no room for error. We made no errors, and still could not make the 1pm show time at Sweden Rock.

We finished the show in Oslo at 11:45 pm. Lobby call for the drive to the Oslo airport was at an excruciating 3:45 am. That left me around a 3 hour window to try and sleep before playing in front of 35,000 people in only a matter of hours. I did a runner back to the hotel, took 2 Tylenol pms, and actually did manage to get around 2 hours of sleep before my tour manager hammered on the door to wake me up. I got down to the lobby at 3:45 am, proud to see my band and crew all down there ready to go. They didn't get to sleep at all but were still packed and ready to go at that ungodly hour of the morning.

We got to the Oslo airport and I was so proud we made the 6:15 am flight to Sweden. Checking all the stage gear etc took an hour at least, but we made it and were ready to rock come 1pm . This was gonna be a great day. So I thought.

When we got to Stockholm, we knew we were fucked. We had only 45 minutes to get to our connecting flight, the only flight available that would get us to Sweden Rock in time for the show at 1pm. Then the proverbial "ball" dropped . We were told by airport staff that we had to go to baggage claim , get all our luggage, stage gear, and instruments, take all the luggage and gear through customs, then RE-CHECK all the gear again! In only 45 minutes. We then knew that we were truly fucked.

Of course the lines at customs and "baggage drop" were endless. We ran from terminal to terminal, dripping in sweat, sleep deprived, not wanting to face the fact we might miss the show we had based all the other shows in Europe around! When we finally got through Swedish customs it was around 8am. The plane was to leave in 15 minutes. We pleaded with airport staff to let us check our gear in time to make the flight, but of course they did not care. At about 8:10am we realized there was no physical way we could get to the Sweden Rock stage by 1pm. We called the festival & pleaded with them to let us go on later that 1pm . We were met with a gruff "this is not possible". I have no idea why we were given the 1pm slot on the first day of the festival, especially considering that we played at around 3 or 4 in the afternoon last time and were one of the biggest attended shows on the bill that day. Why they wanted us to go onstage at 1pm is still a complete mystery to all of us. The festival was adamant that we get to the gig, even if we had to rent a private plane, but when we asked to just let us go on a little later in the day so we could make it happen, they just kept saying "this is not possible". Well, getting to Sweden Rock by 1 pm was definitely "not possible". There was no physical way for us to make that stage time, by flying , driving, or any combination thereof. If we could have gone onstage at 2pm , or 3 or 4 like the last time we played there, it would have been an incredible show just like 2005. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. I want to say "sorry" to all the fans in Sweden... but we tried our best to get to you to play. We probably should not have accepted the Oslo show in the first place, but we had no foresight into what was going to happen in the Stockholm airport.

Good news: as I write this in Estonia, tonight’s show in Tallinn is gonna be a sell-out. We are playing outdoors in the ancient ruins of a castle, & it is one of the coolest venues I have ever seen. It will be packed and guess what.... I have never even heard of the country Estonia. You can never predict what will happen on the road!

All I can say is, I cannot WAIT to get on a tour bus this summer on the road with POISON all across America. Airports fucking SUCK. We are supposed to be "on the road", not "in the air". I just can't wait to tumble out of my bunk, hang out with my bros on the bus, roll down the highway, watch some movies, buy useless junk at truck stops, and NOT SEE AN AIRPORT from June till September!!! Yes this is my dream come true. See you soon USA! See you soon TOUR BUS!!! Goodbye to AIRPORTS / CUSTOMS / SECURITY / MISSED SHOWS. Hello the long and winding road of the USA. We certainly do miss ya!!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyVen 20 Juin - 11:34

SEBASTIAN BACH - Live In New Jersey All Weekend

SEBASTIAN BACH - T91859 SEBASTIAN BACH has issued the following update:

"This Friday and Saturday Night (June 20th and 21st) I will be jamming live onstage with my bud John Rich of the country duo Big & Rich at his two solo shows at Bally's in Atlantic City New Jersey. Should be a lot of fun!

This Sunday (June 22nd) I will be doing a meet and greet and will be signing autographs at the Lucas Oil Nationals booth after round one during the NHRA Drag Racing Event at Raceway Park in Englishtown, NJ at 12 noon. We will have Angel Down CDs there at the booth to sign.

C-ya this weekend New Jersey."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyDim 22 Juin - 2:21

notre homme est satisfait d'avoir vendu 100 000 copies de son album sans grosse tournée d'appui, cela valide sa stratégie moderniste qui avait pris à rebrousse poil une partie des fans, dont ma pomme, par contre Seb, toi qui l'avait apprécié, il va y avoir une ré édition avec DVD, titres live, tous les détails ici :

Blogs N' Roses recently conducted an interview with Sebastian Bach. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow.

Blogs N' Roses: I wanted to talk a little about the "Angel Down" record. I personally loved it. I thought the record had something for everyone. It had a bit of hard rock, southern sludge, punk. What was your main inspiration when writing and recording the album?

Bach: I just wanted to make a CD that would go in your iPod and make sense next to the "Slave to the Grind" and the first SKID ROW album. That's basically it and to have Axl [Rose] sing on it is insane. No one could have ever predicted that, especially me. That's amazing. To put out a CD with him and me on it. We sold about 100,000 copies worldwide with no touring. Well, we did a month of touring. But the U.S. tour starts in July 8 in Nashville. We are re-releasing the cd with a DVD called "Roadrage", which encompasses the making of the CD and also five live songs from the GUNS N' ROSES tour. It is like pro-shot video and audio. That comes from Axl. He let us use his equipment. That is incredible. I am very happy to share some of that footage with the fans finally. It's going to be great. Also, we are putting out a vinyl picture disc with double-gatefold sleeves. And I love that shit. I love packaging and picture discs and shit like that. So I am pretty happy. We are doing about 40 or 47 shows with POISON across America. So we are playing pretty much everywhere except for Texas. I don't know why. Sorry, Texas. But we are definitely hitting the United States and that is going to be great.

Blogs N' Roses: I also love the cover of "Back in the Saddle" with you and Axl.

Bach: Well, that's cool. That's crazy. That song is so great that every time I hear it I laugh because it is so good. [laughs]. I do. I am like, "Listen to this shit." And that is real rock magic on there. I have a rule that I never drink alcohol before a show or before I sing ever, except to that song, dude. What happened was that I sang two songs in the studio that day. I can't remember which two. I did the lead vocal and I was done. Then Roy Z, the producer, said to the band, "Hey, first song tomorrow, let's do 'Back in the Saddle'." I thought I was done for the day and he said let's practice it right now. We taped it. The first time they played is what you hear on the record. I was sitting back there listening to it start and I couldn't believe it. I just ran out there with a couple of Model Especials in me. I grabbed the mic and I wailed it. And that is pretty much 90% of what made the record. There are so many lyrics in that song that I went back and made sure I had totally perfect. There's a lot of words in there. And Axl said he would sing on the record and he came down and picked which songs he wanted to sing on. Singers love "Back in the Saddle" because Steve Tyler is the ultimate screamer especially on that song. It's incredible. The first time I played that song for Axl, [he] goes, "Oh my god, the guitars." He just loved the guitars. It was kind of a challenge on who would get what part of the song between me and him. Because I didn't want to cut any of him and he didn't want to cut any of me. So we tried a few different versions and none of them were perfect. And then I said, "Let's just go by the words." And then it all became crystal clear. "I'm calling all the shots tonight, I'm like a loaded gun." That's GUNS N' ROSES. And we went like that down the line to see who lyrically fit. Then we put it together. It's rock magic. That's what it sounds like to me.

Blogs N' Roses: How did you convince Axl to sing on "Angel Down"?

Bach: There was no convincing at all. It was this simple. I was standing at baggage claim at LAX about to master my record. I had just sung on "Chinese Democracy", a song called "Sorry". And sorry, I don't know when it is coming out. When I was coming to L.A., I just texted him from the airport and said, "Dude, when are you going to sing on my record?" I was just joking. He goes, "Where? What time?" I couldn't believe it. It was that simple. And he drove down in his Testarosa or whatever it is. And you can hear what he did. He's incredible. That's it. It is mind-blowing that I can say that. But I love saying that because you have this guy from England painting this weird picture of him [Axl] on the Internet or whatever. Writing books when they don't even know the guy. I do know him and he's a rocker. He loves rock n' roll. He's obsessed with making great rock n' roll. And that is who is he is.

Read the entire interview at Blogs N' Roses :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyLun 14 Juil - 20:00

c'était le 11.07.08, une version toute fraiche d'un titre un peu abrupt : "American Metalhead"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyMer 16 Juil - 22:50

c'était hier, une version toute fraiche d'un titre un peu abrupt : "American Metalhead"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyMer 16 Juil - 22:51

en voici un peu plus sur ce concert :

"Slave To The Grind":

"Back In The Saddle":

"By Your Side"/"I Remember You":

"Youth Gone Wild":

A noter le DVD à venir :

More fan-filmed video footage of Sebastian Bach's July 11, 2008 performance at the Moondance Jam in Walker, Minnesota can be viewed below (clips uploaded by YouTube user "1qzxqzx1").

Sebastian Bach will release the "Angel Down" CD/DVD package, featuring "Roadrage" a film by Sebastian Bach, in the UK on July 21 via DR2 Records, a subsidiary of Global Music Ltd. The "Angel Down" limited-edition CD/DVD package will be released in the USA this summer as an FYE exclusive at all FYE stores nationwide and also at the FYE booth on the POISON tour. "Roadrage" features five tracks, "100% live, pro-shot" on the 2006 North American GUNS N' ROSES/SEBASTIAN BACH tour.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH -   SEBASTIAN BACH - EmptyJeu 4 Sep - 0:24

SEBASTIAN BACH - Vancouver Show Cancelled

According to a press release from Live Nation, former SKID ROW singer SEBASTIAN BACH's show scheduled for Thursday, October 30th at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver, BC has been cancelled. Refunds are available at point of purchase. For more information visit
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