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 QUEEN's Brian May - "JEFF HEALEY "

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: QUEEN's Brian May - "JEFF HEALEY "   QUEEN's Brian May - "JEFF HEALEY " EmptyMer 5 Mar - 18:56

QUEEN's Brian May - "JEFF HEALEY Had A Wonderful Blues Feel And Passion Which Made Him Very Special"

QUEEN's Brian May - "JEFF HEALEY " T84716 QUEEN's Brian May has commented on the passing of legendary Canadian blues and jazz guitarist JEFF HEALEY who died yesterday (March 2nd) from cancer at the age of 41:

"Now Jeff Healey too ..... Fine guitarist ... fine man ... gone at the age of 41 ... too sad. I didn't know Jeff personally, but my friend Steve Lukather (TOTO) was close to him. Steve said he spoke to Jeff just yesterday, and was able to make him laugh. Jeff, of course, played guitar using a completely different technique from anyone else - completely original - with the guitar in front of him, facing upwards. His fingers pressed downwards on the strings, and he was able to bend stings like a demon by squeezing them sideways - you can see him do it in that Movie "Road House" - which was a key factor in bringing Jeff Healey to the world's attention. But, aside from the methods he used, Jeff had a wonderful blues feel and passion which made him very special ... He will be sadly missed. RIP Jeff."
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QUEEN's Brian May - "JEFF HEALEY "
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