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 RUSH Icons Surprise Fans At FOO FIGHTERS Show In Toronto

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

RUSH Icons Surprise Fans At FOO FIGHTERS Show In Toronto Empty
MessageSujet: RUSH Icons Surprise Fans At FOO FIGHTERS Show In Toronto   RUSH Icons Surprise Fans At FOO FIGHTERS Show In Toronto EmptyLun 24 Mar - 13:13

RUSH Icons Surprise Fans At FOO FIGHTERS Show In Toronto

Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson from Canuck hard rock legends RUSH surprised fans last night (March 22nd) at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto by making a guest appearance during the FOO FIGHTERS show. Watch fan-filmed video of the classic 'YYZ' below:
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RUSH Icons Surprise Fans At FOO FIGHTERS Show In Toronto
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