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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: EDDIE VAN HALEN   EDDIE VAN HALEN EmptyVen 25 Aoû - 1:13

EDDIE VAN HALEN - New Sacred Sin Songs Streaming Online

As previously reported, guitar legend EDDIE VAN HALEN has joined forces with adult director Michael Ninn to write and perform two songs for the upcoming Ninn Worx feature, Sacred Sin. Although several big-name rappers have contributed material to XXX movies, Van Halen is probably the first major rock star to lend his name to an adult project.

Van Halen told he’s not bothered by possible criticism. “I’m working with a friend - very simple. I like his work,” he said. “Michael Ninn is like a Spielberg to me: the imagery, the way he makes things look, just… sensual. “We hooked up, I ended up doing the music, and it’s some whompin-ass shit. I think it’s the best work he’s ever done, and me too. And more to come.”

The Van Halen songs in Sacred Sin are 'Rise' and 'Catherine', a remix of the theme from Ninn’s 2005 movie of the same name. They can be heard

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: EDDIE VAN HALEN   EDDIE VAN HALEN EmptyMer 6 Sep - 0:42

VAN HALEN Guitarist To Co-Host Porn Flick Party This Month

Launch Radio Networks has issued the following report from Bruce Simon:

It looks like EDDIE VAN HALEN's involvement in the adult film industry isn't just limited to soundtrack work. Van Halen will co-host a party for the launch of a porn movie called Sacred Sin, for which he recorded two songs. The event is being dubbed "The Gathering," and the guitarist is teaming up with director Michael Ninn for the private, invitation-only bash on September 30th at "the 5150 Estate in Los Angeles," which is presumably Van Halen's home.

Van Halen previously explained his relationship with Ninn to the adult industry website by saying, "I'm working with a friend - very simple. I like his work. Michael Ninn is like a Spielberg to me: the imagery, the way he makes things look, just... sensual."

The two new songs are 'Rise', which Van Halen wrote, and a remix of a track titled 'Catherine', which was originally the theme music from Ninn's 2005 movie of the same name. The guitarist said, "If 'Catherine' doesn't move you, you're brain-dead." Van Halen also supplied some of the piano music that's heard throughout Sacred Sin.

Sacred Sin will be released next Wednesday (September 13th). The DVD is supposed to feature Van Halen in music videos for the two full-length songs. Clips of the music and the movie can be found at, but it is an adult movie, so all the necessary precautions should be taken.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: EDDIE VAN HALEN   EDDIE VAN HALEN EmptyDim 17 Sep - 15:28

VAN HALEN Guitarist Cures Cancer?

Launch Radio Networks has issued the following report from Bruce Simon:

EDDIE VAN HALEN called in to Howard Stern's program on the Sirius satellite radio service on Friday (September 8th), and he dropped a couple of major bombshells. After saying he was free of the cancer that led to tongue surgery a few years ago, the guitarist said that he and a partner had developed a treatment that cured his cancer, though he wouldn't reveal what it contains. As for how he got cancer in the first place, Van Halen denied it was from smoking, which he has never stopped, and he claimed the disease might have come from the metal guitar pick he used.

On a different topic, Van Halen made the slightly less amazing announcement that a reunion with original lead singer DAVID LEE ROTH isn't out of the question, though he didn't give any kind of timetable. Van Halen also talked about bassist Michael Anthony, and he seemed to go back and forth on whether they might work together again. Finally, Van Halen said his next project would be an album with him, his brother Alex, and his son Wolfgang, who he said had "dangerous" talent.

Coming out Wednesday (September 13th) on DVD is an adult movie called Sacred Sin for which Van Halen wrote and recorded music. He claimed that instead of calling it porn, people should think of it as a legitimate film about "good and evil" that also has sex in it. Director Michael Ninn said it was shot at Van Halen's house in Los Angeles.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: EDDIE VAN HALEN   EDDIE VAN HALEN EmptyDim 17 Sep - 16:54

EDDIE VAN HALEN - Howard Stern Interview Highlights Available

As previously reported, VAN HALEN guitarist Eddie Van Halen appeared on The Howard Stern Show on September 8th to promote the upcoming porn movie Sacred Sin, for which he recorded two songs. has posted the complete highlights from the interview as follows:

On curing his tongue cancer without chemo or radiation:
Eddie Van Halen: “I cured my cancer in a way that’s not exactly legal in this country. I’d tell you, but I don’t want to go to jail. When you drink your damn draino it just holds it at bay. It comes back. Cancer is like a cockroach. It just comes back stronger. I’m tearing apart the immune system of the cockroach and seeing how it ticks. I’ve opened up my own pathology center. Some of us open tequila bars in Mexico, I’m curing cancer. They cut a healthy piece of my tongue off and grew healthy cells outside of my body and tested them. I’m missing a third of my tongue. They butchered me. I didn’t quit smoking after I got tongue cancer cause smoking didn’t cause it.”

On a possible reunion with David Lee Roth:
HS: “Diamond David Lee Roth never wanted piano in Van Halen.”
EVH: “You mean cubic zirconia?”
HS: “You’re never going to do a reunion with him, are you?”
EVH: “Ummm…You know, I’m open to anything.”
HS: “Really? He makes it seem like you are never open…”
EVH: “In 2000 Alex and I tried to pull something together with him.”
HS: “What happened? You couldn’t stand being around him?”
EVH: “No, the guys’s a loose cannon - but I can deal with loose cannons.”
Robin: “Everyone says you’re the problem.”
EVH: “Yeah, because I don’t respond or talk about this stuff.”

On Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony’s current Sans Halen tour:
EVH: “Michael Sobolewski [Michael Anthony’s real last name] is out touring with ‘the little red rocker’ … I mean the little red worm. I got no problem with these guys, but they’re billing themselves as the other half of Van Halen. My brother is the other half of Van Halen. They’re out there selling hot sauce and tequila and playing all my songs. It doesn’t bother me. It just makes them a cover band.”

On the porno movie he wrote two songs for:
EVH: “I don’t call it porn. I call it sex. It’s like Braveheart with a cum shot. Everyone’s giving me their dweeb opinion about this - but without sex you wouldn’t be here to give me your dweeb opinion.”

On his new girlfriend:
EVH: “I have a girlfriend. Her name’s Janie. She’s a press agent…You’re damn right she’s super hot. We met at a press conference. We’ve been together two months.”

On his fifteen-year-old son Wolfgang joining Van Halen:
EVH: “My son Wolfgang plays drums, guitars and bass. This kid is fucking dangerous. If I excel at the speed of sound, he excels at the speed of light. My brother goes, ‘This is the first time I’ve had bass in my headphones.’ He’s only fifteen years old and he’s getting laid. He’s spanking it too.”
HS: “How do you know that?”
EVH: “When you spend 45 minutes in the bathroom you’re not taking a shower. … Valerie and I have joint custody of Wolfgang. For the last couple of weeks Alex, he and I have been jamming together.”
HS: “You wouldn’t go back on the road with Hagar, would you?”
EVH: “I’m pretty much open to anything. What’s going to happen is that there’s a new member of Van Halen, and that is my son.”
HS: “I’m hearing your son is in and Michael Anthony is out.”
EVH: “My son is in and Sobolewski can do whatever he wants. The name Van Halen, the family legacy, is going to go on long after I’m gone. This kid is just a natural. I’m going to have him play on a solo record, and it’s going to be out - he and I.”
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: EDDIE VAN HALEN   EDDIE VAN HALEN EmptyJeu 21 Sep - 12:04

VAN HALEN - Michael Anthony's Jack Daniel's Bass Gets Extended Run At Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

VAN HALEN bassist Michael Anthony recently extended his loan of his famous Jack Daniel's bass to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in Cleveland, OH. This iconic piece of rock and roll history will be on display at the famous hall until the end of 2008. Check out some shots of the bass on display here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: EDDIE VAN HALEN   EDDIE VAN HALEN EmptyVen 3 Nov - 20:20

VAN HALEN Name New Bassist, Wolfgang Van Halen!

VAN HALEN has finally found it's new bassist - and it looks like the rock gods are keeping the band a family affair.

TMZ is first to confirm that Van Halen has hired 15-year-old Wolfgang Van Halen - the son of guitarist Eddie Van Halen and estranged wife Valerie Bertinelli, and nephew of drummer Alex Van Halen - as the new bassist for the band.

Wolfgang replaces longtime bassist Michael Anthony, who left the band earlier this year. Eddie Van Halen's spokesperson Janie Liszewski tells TMZ that Wolfgang, known as "Wolfie", has already joined his dad and uncle for rehearsals in the studio for a 2007 summer tour. Wolfie played dates with his father during the band's 2004 tour, and the song '316' on 1991's For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, was named for Wolfie's birth date that same year.

The band is still without a lead singer, despite rumors that DAVID LEE ROTH might rejoin.
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Nombre de messages : 48
Age : 54
Localisation : Région Parisienne
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: EDDIE VAN HALEN   EDDIE VAN HALEN EmptySam 4 Nov - 2:16

La photo du fiston est ci dessous:
EDDIE VAN HALEN Wolfgangvanhalenwi260ye7
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: EDDIE VAN HALEN   EDDIE VAN HALEN EmptyMar 12 Déc - 0:29


EDDIE VAN HALEN T56591 The following is a quote from VAN HALEN guitarist Eddie Van Halen, lifted from a new Guitar World article and posted in the Forums at the Diamond DAVID LEE ROTH fan site:

"I'm telling Dave. 'Dude get your ass up here and sing, witch! Come On!'" says Van Halen. "As it stands right now, the ball is in Dave's court. Whether he wants to rise to the occasion is entirely up to him, but we're ready to go."

"Wolfgang breathes life into what we're doing," says Ed. "He brings youthfullness to something that's inherently youthful. He's only been playing bass for 3 months, but it's spooky. He's locked tight and puts an incredible spin on our dookie. The kidis kicking my ass! He's spanking me now, eve though I never spanked him. To have my son follow in my footsteps on his own, without me pushing him into it, is the greatest feeling in the world."

The Forums poster states: "No b.s... Ed DOES have Wolfie playing bass in Van Halen, and he IS publicly offering David Lee Roth the job...."

Stay tuned for updates on this situation
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