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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

BEHEMOTH  Live Album/DVD Empty
MessageSujet: BEHEMOTH Live Album/DVD   BEHEMOTH  Live Album/DVD EmptyDim 6 Avr - 14:19

BEHEMOTH To Take A Year Off, Live Album/DVD To Follow

BEHEMOTH  Live Album/DVD T86776 BW&BK scribe Mark Gromen has checked in with the following exclusive report:

"According to mainman Nergal, the Polish assualt squad aka BEHEMOTH will take a year off after the current run, opening for DIMMU BORGIR. Personally, I don't believe the workaholic guitarist/frontman can stay away that long...going so far as to have a gentlemen's bet he's back in the public eye in six months. Regardless, he's now steadfast in his desire to recharge his batteries at home. In the interim, fans will have to be content with a live CD, recorded last year, in Paris, to be followed two months later by a double-disc DVD, complete with 24 page booklet, featuring black & white photographs. Both are scheduled for release before the end of the year."
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