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 THE CHARIOT Premier New Video

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

THE CHARIOT Premier New Video Empty
MessageSujet: THE CHARIOT Premier New Video   THE CHARIOT Premier New Video EmptyLun 7 Avr - 19:35

THE CHARIOT Premier New Video report:

"Atlanta's hardcore band THE CHARIOT (Solid State Records) are premiering their new video for the song 'They Drew Their Swords' exclusively on For one day only will feature The Chariot's masterfully constructed video on the main page for 24 hours of visual and auditory overload.

Directed by none other than vocalist Josh Scogin himself, this video is not for the faint at heart.

A performance - based video with wild visual effects, Scogin explains, "I wanted it to be really out there, with no boundaries or real structure. We really wanted it to show how chaotic the music was, and made that the main focus, even more than the video itself. I'd say the random segments are the circus sideshow, but more realistic. Anything I wanted to shoot I did and if it worked I kept it."

See Scogin's sophomore directorial exclusively at before you can watch it anywhere else!

The Chariot is currently out on tour with ALESANA closing out an impressive series of tours in support of their new CD titled The Fiancée over the past few months, with the likes of POISON THE WELL, THE HUMAN ABSTRACT, NORMA JEAN and A LIFE ONCE LOST.

Next stop for The Chariot is a stint at Bamboozle Music Festival in New Jersey on May 3rd.

Twist one up and create your own buzz at ."
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