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 TOKYO BLADE - tour 2008

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TOKYO BLADE - tour 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: TOKYO BLADE - tour 2008   TOKYO BLADE - tour 2008 EmptyMer 23 Avr - 19:47

TOKYO BLADE - New Live Dates Scheduled

TOKYO BLADE Fan Asylum, the fan-operated MySpace page for reformed NWOBHM act Tokyo Blade, has announced the following scheduled live dates:

23 - Leyendas Del Rock Festival, Puerto de Mazarro, Spain

14 - The Purple Turtle, Camden/London, UK
15 - Keep It True 11 Festival, Wurzburg, Germany
16 - Mylos Complex - Xyloyrgeio, Thessaloniki, Greece
18 - Underworld Club, Athens, Greece

Founding Tokyo Blade guitarist Andy Boulton checks in about the new band lineup:

"The new Blade line up is just fantastic and I can't wait to play with these guys.

We got Chris Gillen on vocals who reminds me of Seb Bach in his prime. This guys range and depth are amazing and I'm proud to be working with him. Same goes for Zo on drums, this guy is a fuckin' powerhouse drummer. Frank our bassist is just so solid and talented he is gonna be mind blowing to work with and I really can't wait. Then there's Bryan of course the man who got me to put this whole show on the road again, not to mention his guitar skills and dedication from the outset he's my brother!

I've been listening to the rehearsal tapes Bryan and his wife Tracy have sent me and it sounds so fuckin' good already. I can't wait to get back over there and join in the fun and see all you guys out there on the road in 2008. I always felt Blade should have sounded like this and now it does and if I do nothing else musically in my life this will be the greatest ending one could ever hope for."

Tokyo Blade's current lineup: Chris Gillen (vocals), Andy Boulton (guitar), Bryan Holland (guitar), Frank Sapardi (bass), Lorenzo Gonzalez (drums).
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TOKYO BLADE - tour 2008
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