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 fantasment sur l'Américaine puritaine et se plaigne

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

fantasment sur l'Américaine puritaine et se plaigne Empty
MessageSujet: fantasment sur l'Américaine puritaine et se plaigne   fantasment sur l'Américaine puritaine et se plaigne EmptyMar 29 Avr - 21:16

pour ceux qui fantasment sur l'Américaine puritaine et se plaignent de la France, voici un article marrant de la communauté de Sarnia-Lambton qui ne veut pas du Motley et des dégradations qui vont avec !

c'est ici et ça s'invente pas :

Sir: I am responding to the article in the April 18 issue of The Observer regarding a Bayfest event this summer.

The city and residents of the community of Sarnia-Lambton should not be exposed to such trash as Motley Crue. The degradation and the immorality of the community with the promotion of such an event is astronomical. Our community is worth more than this.

This letter is to mobilize people and groups of people to rise and address this issue and to challenge them publicly to have it stopped.

To the evangelical community to take a stand on the immoral issue of this event.

To the council of the City of Sarnia and the mayor based on proper use of the Sarnia Bay area and on behalf of the ratepayers to cancel this event.

To the service clubs of the area who have taken an ethical vow in their organization to take a non-financial position against the event.

To the government services that promote non-abuse of persons and lifestyles in the community, to speak out against the event.

To the protection agencies that combat drug lords, sex abuse, beatings, murders etc. There is no dollar value to a life facing drug abuse, AIDS or a wife, daughter or granddaughter being abused. To the religious community to take a stand regarding the moral issue with this event.

This is a morality issue. The answer to the above challenge will be yours as a group or individual to carry on for eternity.

Eternity never ends. What are you going to do?

Gord Park
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