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 Twisted Sister

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyVen 25 Aoû - 21:04

Dee Snider a confirmé que cette année était la dernière de Twisted Sister, avant de se séparer à nouveau... le groupe compte sortir un album de Noël intitulé "A Twisted Christmas" qui contiendra un duo avec Lita Ford.
à faire à suivre.........
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyDim 17 Sep - 17:20

TWISTED SISTER - 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus' Cover Song Available
Twisted Sister 51249xy2

TWISTED SISTER's cover version of 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus' (written by Jimmy Boyd and released as a single in 1953) has been posted online at the band's official MySpace page here. The track is part of the band's festive CD, A Twisted Christmas, which is due October 17th via Razor & Tie Records. A Twisted Christmas features the following tracklisting:
'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas',
'Oh Come All Ye Faithful',
'White Christmas',

'I'll Be Home For Christmas' (featuring Lita Ford),
'Silver Bells',
'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause',
'Let It Snow',
'Deck the Halls',

'The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)',
'Heavy Metal Christmas (The Twelve Days of Christmas).
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyDim 8 Oct - 22:24

TWISTED SISTER's Dee Snider On Touring Again - "I Want To Get Out Of The Way And Let (Younger Bands) Have Their Chance In The Spotlight"

The following report is courtesy of Bryan Reesman from

TWISTED SISTER will put a cap on its reunion with the October 17 release of A Twisted Christmas via Razor & Tie. "I think I made the comment that we should do a Christmas record," guitarist Jay Jay French tells Billboard. "And [frontman] Dee [Snider] said, 'You know, 'Come All Ye Faithful' is actually 'We're Not Gonna Take It'. I think I subliminally stole the melody.'"

"So we recorded 'We're Not Gonna Take It' and put 'Come All Ye Faithful' in, and it worked with some changes," he continues. "We added a BLACK SABBATH version of 'Hava Nagilah' at the end of the song. Then we came up with 10 songs and decided to connect them with bands that we really love."

The sets features a duet with LITA FORD on 'I'll Be Home For Christmas', while 'White Christmas' was recorded in multiple languages for its European editions. "It's a great idea," Snider says. "I think the Christmas album might actually get some attention because it's a novelty record, and it might get the attention that a regular Twisted Sister album could not.

Having regrouped in 2001 after a 14-year hiatus, Twisted Sister's ongoing existence is unclear, according to Snider.

"I've told the guys that I'm done [after 2006]," he says. "I've got a lot of things plaguing me. I really resented the older bands that would not know when to get off the fuckin' stage. I want to get out of the way and let [younger bands] have their chance in the spotlight. Am I saying I'll never do anything ever again? No. But am I serious that I want it to end? Yes. Not because anything's wrong, but because everything's right, so I want it to end while everything's right."

"If the band had never reunited we would never have known or experienced the thrill of the acknowledgment of the hard work that we put in," French adds. "I never take it for granted. It's just unbelievable. So I'm astonished by it, humbled by it and grateful for it."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyJeu 2 Nov - 2:04

TWISTED SISTER - I Saw Mommy Kissing Dee Snider
Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 at 16:34:13

By Mitch Lafon

One of rock’s fiercest machines has switched gears this holiday season by bringing you a collection of Twisted Christmas standards. BW&BK sat down with frontman Dee Snider to find out ‘what the f**k’ they were thinking and is this the end of the band?

Dee Snider: “I really want to talk to you guys (BW&BK) because you really get to the hardcore and I know you’re the ones with the really tough questions like ‘What the fuck?’”

Mitch Lafon: Word on the street is that this is it – farewell album and no more Twisted Sister. Is that true?

DS: “I am the one who has been promoting that message and publicly saying that this was the last year for me in Twisted Sister and that this is the last record, but I’m officially back-peddling like a motherfucker right now. Simply because we’ve shipped more units on this fucking CD than anything we’ve done since the ‘80s, dude, and the guys are looking at me like ‘Dee are you actually going to leave now? It looks like we may have a successful record.’ They’ve got these big puppy dog eyes and I’m like ‘OK, I can’t walk away from a successful record.’ So, I am back-peddling – yes, I did say this was the official end, but with a potentially successful CD I’d be hard-pressed to totally walk away at this point.”

ML: It seems to be doing well in Canada.

DS: “Up in Canada you guys are really pumped about this, so I’m officially saying – definite maybe. I’m open to the idea that if this record has some success of continuing to do select shows and possibly doing additional records. It’s not that I’m a liar or bullshit artist – I’m totally up front about this – I’m saying ‘Hey I said that stuff, but it looks like the record might do something’ and that’s a real motivation to continue on.”

ML: But the guys in Twisted Sister get along great...

“We get along great, but eventually it’s gotta wear thin (laughs). Everyone is getting along good while everything is positive and everyone’s smiling and we’re doing nice big shows like we did up in Quebec City this summer (opening for the Scorpions in front of 80,000 fans). Let’s walk away after that rather than riding it to the bitter end on the ‘Let’s fart in a paper bag’ tour and doing it until nobody is interested anymore, but anyway we may continue on. I was the only one slamming that door shut and saying ‘That’s it!’ So, if people want to see Twisted Sister again – BUY THIS CD!”

ML: It’s great that you’ve changed your mind. Have you ever read a Kiss interview?

DS: “I love to talk about my announcement that it’s over and now backing off. I look at Kiss and I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to do the reunion tour and ten years later, not only still be doing them, but you’re replacing the band with guys dressed up to look like the guys. That’s just wrong and I think it’s taking advantage of people. I don’t want to over-stay my welcome and that’s what tortures me too.”

ML: The welcome is not over-stayed. Obviously, ‘We’re Not Going To Take It’ hit the right chord 20 years ago and is still hitting the right chord.

DS: “That’s bizarre and you want to talk about your one or two hit wonders – that song has evolved. It’s almost like a folk song... it’s traditional.”

ML: Well, it’s iconic. You have to hear it at least once a summer.

DS: “A woman’s lubricant is using it in a commercial. It’s been on Burger King commercials. Schwarzenegger used it. It’s used for every purpose – it’s become a message song and it’s not about metal or Twisted Sister. Most people don’t know who wrote the damn song. Everybody knows the song and it’s actually pretty cool to have created something like that and as long as I’m receiving the royalties, I’m a happy fucking dude (laughs). But let me tell you – for the Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles crew out there – I want to say this: that song, at its core, is a middle-finger and it was a statement that I wrote to my parents, to my teachers, my bosses, my peers, the chicks that rejected me, the asshole jocks that fucking hassled me and everybody. It’s a big fuck you, and in the ‘80s it was on the PMRC’s ‘filthy 15’ list. I was in Washington in front of the U.S. Senate defending the lyrics to ‘We’re Not Going To Take It’, but now it’s everybody’s song. It’s a fucking folk song, but yet to me when I see it on a children’s movie or a woman’s vaginal cream or Burger King or a political campaign – all I see is a big middle finger – FUCK Yooouuu BABY! Fuck You! It’s so fucking sweet, man.”

ML: Let’s talk Twisted Christmas. Let’s start at the band meeting – somebody had to say ‘Hey how about a Christmas album’ and did the four others say ‘Yeah that sounds right.’

DS: “Well, it actually went something like that, but when I explain it to you – you’ll understand and this is why I really want to talk to BW&BK because I’m not insane. The guys have been bugging me to do a new Twisted album and I’ve been saying no. I haven’t written new music since the Strangeland soundtrack back in 1998. I’m just not motivated and I don’t think anybody is really interested in what I’m selling – and I’m talking in the real scheme of things – million sellers; not 50,000 hardcore. I love the hardcore, but I want music that reaches the masses and it was very frustrating in the ‘90s to write Desperado and Widowmaker records and not get any airplay, not get video play and not even get help in stores. It hurts quite honestly and I was hurt. I didn’t want to be a musician. I wanted to be a rock star and there’s a difference. I don’t want to be sitting in a blues bar pouring my heart out. I want to be on a fucking stage in an arena, fists raised in the air and fucking larger than life (which is why God gave me this big head). So, anyways about a year ago JJ says ‘Dee what about a Christmas album?’ and I turned to him and said ‘YES!’ and he was shocked because I’m always saying no. Here’s the story, one day in 1984 I’m listening to Christmas music and I got pissed off. I’m listening to disco Christmas music, jazz Christmas music, folk Christmas music, ‘50s Christmas music, classical Christmas music, barking fucking dogs Christmas music. So, I’m sitting there going ‘Where the fuck is the heavy metal Christmas music?’ So I said ‘I’m going to call up AC/DC, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motorhead... and let’s do a compilation Christmas album and give the metal fans an album they can listen to. AC/DC doing ‘Silver Bells’, Maiden doing ‘White Christmas’ – it’ll be great.’ Well, the holidays passed and the feeling passed and I never followed up on it. So, when JJ, 20 years later, said ‘What about a Christmas album’ – bam - it’s 1984 and I’m thinking ‘Where’s the metal Christmas album?’ And I know what we’ve got to do. I was tapping into my inner angry young man from the ‘80s and that feeling I had back then and trust the feelings I had back then.”

ML: ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’ done to the tune of ‘We’re Not Going To Take It’ – is that risky to do?

DS: “I don’t know. I just go with my instincts, but that’s another great story. It was the Widowmaker days and Al Pitrelli - we were talking and he goes ‘You got We’re Not Going To Take It from O Come All Ye Faithful’ and I said ‘What?’ So, he says it again and he sees my face and says ‘You didn’t know that?’ and he sings (both songs) – I was like ‘Holy shit, 19 years of going to church every Sunday and singing in the church choir paid off!’ YEAH! I did not know I had channeled this hymn into part of the melody of ‘We’re Not Going To Take It’ and there’s a little bit of Sex Pistols and Slade in there too. So, when I thought about ideas for the Christmas album I said ‘We’ve got to do this. We’ve got to shoehorn ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’ into ‘We’re Not Going To Take It’ and we did it. You know as we were working on the Christmas album – we started going ‘You know this could be a big mistake.’ We just may be destroying our careers, but this is it anyways. We’re not putting out records, we hardly play at all, we’re all in our 50s... fuck it! Go for it! We’re having fun and hopefully it comes across to the audience as that and they enjoy it in the spirit in which it was given. We’re not presenting ‘This is our serious new metal...’ This is fucking fun music from a band that likes to have fun for a great holiday and it fucking rocks!”

ML: Now you’ve told me this won’t be the last album. So, what do you do next year? Sit down and start writing a new Twisted Sister album?

DS: “I don’t see that.”

ML: Do you think you might do like Rod Stewart and his Great American Songbook CDs and do this again next year?

DS: “Oh, definitely, but I don’t know if it’ll be next year. I see a Twisted Christmas II (spelled TOO) and if there’s three Santa Clause movies why can’t there be three Twisted Christmas albums? Does getting the attention, the media set you up for doing another record? Yeah, it could. Before this record was released, I was like ‘This is it – goodbye.’ Now, I’m saying ‘Maybe it’s not;’ we’re getting some attention and there’s some sign of life and it’s not that our concerts weren’t great but it takes more than that to make a band a band. It’s more than just stepping out on stage and playing the same old material over and over. At this point in my life and being that well-adjusted happy dude that I am... I’m very successful and I’ve got every reason in the world to be happy – I don’t know if I could go back and write real Twisted Sister songs. Look at Kiss – did they write real Kiss songs on their reunion album (Psycho Circus)? I don’t think so. The New York Dolls just put out a new album – are they writing Dolls songs? I don’t think so.”

ML: It’s hard to write what you were writing 20 years ago. I know I couldn’t.

DS: “Exactly. That’s why I’m not that driven to do a new Twisted album. If we do another Twisted album, it’s not going to be like Police Academy IV, and they had to do it because there were so many questions still left unanswered. If people are interested and we’re still having fun, that might inspire me to say ‘Hey you know what? I’ve got some more anthems I need to sing. I’ve got some more metal to play just because it’s fucking fun.’”

ML: Last question – anything else coming out?

DS: “We’ve just secured the rights to a lot of vintage stuff. The live concert of us in’84 on the Stay Hungry tour which actually came out on video will be coming out on DVD. We’ve got a compilation coming out with all the videos including ‘The Price’.”

ML: When are these coming out?

DS: “We just got the rights so I don’t know, but 2007 for sure.”

For more visit: or
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyJeu 9 Nov - 20:21

TWISTED SISTER To Perform On Tonight Show With Jay Leno; Schedule Signing Session At Minnesota Best Buy

TWISTED SISTER are scheduled to perform on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno on Wednesday, December 13th, 2006 (NBC).

The band have also scheduled an in-store autograph signing session at Best Buy in Maplewood, Minnesota on December 2nd.

A message reads: "Following their show at The Myth on Friday night, Twisted Sister will appear in-store at Best Buy in Mapplewood for an exclusive autograph signing. The band will be in the store from 1 - 3 PM on Saturday."

Twisted Sister released their new album, A Twisted Christmas, on October 17th through Razor & Tie.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyDim 12 Nov - 22:56

TWISTED SISTER - A Twisted Christmas Streaming In Full Online

Twisted Sister 54786qz6

TWISTED SISTER's new album, A Twisted Christmas, is currently streaming in it's entirety at this location . as previously reported, Twisted Sister are scheduled to perform on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno on Wednesday, December 13th, 2006 (NBC).

Guitarist Jay Jay French and frontman Dee Snider will also be the featured guest on the nationally syndicated radio show Rockline with host Bob Coburn, Wednesday night December 13th at 8:30 PDT. For a station near you, and information regarding how to log onto the internet for the broadcast, go to
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyVen 17 Nov - 21:25

TWISTED SISTER On Fangoria Radio Tonight; More Appearances Confirmed
Twisted Sister 55121oa7
A live TWISTED SISTER performance will air tonight, Friday, November 17th, on Sirius' Fangoria Radio. Tune in between Midnight and 1 AM on Sirius Channel 102.

In other Twisted Sister appearance news, a live interview with the band will air on New Jersey rock station WDHA's The Tour Bus on Saturday, November 18th. The Tour Bus airs 8 PM to Midnight.

Another live interview with the band will air on Friday Night Rocks With Eddie TRunk on Friday, November 24th. Friday Night Rocks airs 11 PM to 2 AM on New York's Classic Rock - Q104.3.

As previously reported, Twisted Sister are scheduled to perform on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno on Wednesday, December 13th (NBC). Guitarist Jay Jay French and frontman Dee Snider will also be the featured guest on the nationally syndicated radio show Rockline with host Bob Coburn, Wednesday night, December 13th at 8:30 PDT. For a station near you, and information regarding how to log onto the internet for the broadcast, go to .

Twisted Sister's new video for the track 'Oh Come All Ye Faithful' is available at the following locations:
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyVen 24 Nov - 20:23

Twisted Sister - Oh Come All Ye Faithful vidéo
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyDim 3 Déc - 23:51

TWISTED SISTER's Dee Snider - "We Have Not Had This Much Interest Since The '80s"

The following interview is courtesy of Vit Wagner from

There's a reason why TWISTED SISTER's rendition of "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" sounds an awful lot like the glam-metal band's own signature fave, "We're Not Gonna Take It." The opening lines to both songs share the same six-note sequence.

Mind you, singer Dee Snider, who penned the Twisted Sister hit for the band's breakout 1984 album Stay Hungry, swears on a stack of holiday hymnals that he wasn't aware of the similarity until it was pointed out to him nearly a decade later by a guitarist.

"We were swapping stories about songs that had been inspired by other songs," recalls Snider on the line from his home in Long Island, N.Y. "And (Al Pitrelli) said, `Well, what about `We're Not Gonna Take It' and `Oh Come All Ye Faithtful'?'

"I thought, `Holy shit. You mean 19 years of singing in the church choir paid off.' But it was totally unconscious."
'Oh Come All Ye Faithful', 'White Christmas', 'Deck The Halls', 'Silver Bells' and a half-dozen other seasonal classics decorate Twisted Christmas, a head-banging holiday album that is being hailed as one of this year's most unlikely seasonal treats. The aging, mascara-coated warhorses, also including guitarists Jay Jay French and Eddie Ojeda, bassist Mark Mendoza and drummer A.J. Pero, even have a tour to support the disc, including a show Tuesday at the Danforth Music Hall.

Twisted Sister has been performing 20 to 25 shows annually since regrouping four years ago, and at one time, the album and tour were being billed as the band's swan song. But the buzz generated by the CD means that Snider says calling it quits isn't in the cards now.

"We have not had this much interest since the '80s. So the guys are looking at me with these big, puppy-dog eyes going, `You're not leaving now are you?'

"It's nice to be with the guys and everything, but this is not my life now," says Snider, 51, who co-hosts a show on Sirius satellite radio. "But it's been going so well that only a fool would look a gift horse like this in the mouth."

To read the entire interview head to this location
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyJeu 7 Déc - 22:59

TWISTED SISTER - "A Twisted Christmas In Toronto"; BW&BK Photo Gallery Available

Twisted Sister T56366 TWISTED SISTER brought their festive spirit to Toronto on December 5th at The Danforth Music Hall. To view a BW&BK Photo Gallery Of "A Twisted Christmas In Toronto" click
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Twisted Sister Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twisted Sister   Twisted Sister EmptyMer 20 Déc - 22:42

TWISTED SISTER - Win Copies Of Twisted Christmas

Twisted Sister T56929 along with SonyBMG are giving away five copies of TWISTED SISTER's A Twisted Christmas CD. To enter the Twisted Sister CD giveaway - simply send an email to (subject Twisted X-mas) with your name and mailing address by noon (EST) Dec. 20th. Winners will be chosen at random. The prize has no cash value and no substitutions are allowed. To view Twisted Sister's latest video, 'Oh Come All Ye Faithful' (both animated and non-animated versions), head to this location. is currently streaming the song on our BraveTunes player.
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