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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: PLEASURE MAKER   PLEASURE MAKER EmptyVen 2 Mai - 13:30

Ils sont de rio de janeiro, et œuvrent depuis 2001 dans le hard rock mélo - AOR, leurs influences : Winger, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Duran Duran et Danger Danger, le titre en écoute laisse augurer un nouvel album plus qu'intéressant :

The new album TWISTED DESIRE from PLEASURE MAKER, that will be released in June, will come with new musicians: Andy Starr gets the bass guitar, replacing the great Mark San'tanna and Sandro Rossi is now responsible for all the keyboards. The line-up is fulfilled with Alex Meister on the guitars, C. Marshall on the Lead Vocals and Adriano Morais on the drums (these last ones are from the original line-up).

The band's new release evolved to bring more mature and "in the face" songs, having great emphasis on the chorus. The new single from TWISTED DESIRE, the song 'Twisted Desire', is now available!!! More tracks will be available shortly here!

More news to come!!!

"The Pleasure Maker band was created in 2001 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The intention is to produce a sound mix combining technique, melody and good choruses, while updating the Rock N Roll sound of the eighties. Main influences in the case are Winger, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Duran Duran and Danger Danger.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: PLEASURE MAKER   PLEASURE MAKER EmptyVen 2 Mai - 13:32

étonnant que cet AOR ne suscite pas plus de réactions, j'en remet une couche avec les chros de l'album précédent, difficile de faire mieux, à noter dans cette liste pléthorique les sites spécialisés dans l'aor : melodicrock, melodicnet, rockreport, et ... nos amis de HR80 ! :

ENCRUCIJADA-MELODIC (ARGENTINA) - "PLEASURE MAKER is the new promise of the Latin American Hard Rock"
THIS IS ROCK (SPAIN) - "...Melodic Rock Jewel...A fantastic record that took 15 years to come out. Better late than never."
ROCKUMWEB.COM (PERU) - "it really would be placed in the Rockum Hard Rock Top 10 of 2005...100% recommended..."
MUNDOROCK (COLOMBIA) - "...full release of adrenaline ...very good work, recommended for all lovers of 80s hard rock..."
MELODICROCK.COM (AU)- "Just thinkin' About U" was nominated for the song of the year 2005!!!
SLEAZE-METAL (DE)- "...a must have ... Without a Shadow of a doubt we have a fantastic CD here..."
AOR DREAMZONES (SE)- "...This is pure melodic fuel ... a deadringer in all melodic camps..."
POWERPLAY MAG. (EN)- "...a melting pot of hard rock...and they've done it to great effect..."
POWERPLAY REC. (US)- "...Music that you will hear again and again and you will have fun. Well done guys."
MELODIC.NET (SE)- "...they do it very good with a good production, hooks and melodies...impressive riffs..."
HARDROCK HAVEN (US)- "...the chops and the sound to make a hell of a lot of noise on a global scale..."
STRUTTER MAG. (NE)- "...professionally done... impressive songs...this CD caught my surprise..."
SLEAZEROXX (CA)- "...this is a great album... The choruses are huge, the licks are furious ..."
SLAM! ROCKS (IT)- "A Hard Rock in the certain measure ... with the eye always directed toward the melody"
BURRN! (JP)- "... the guitarrist is skilled ... the songs are very good. It is worth checking for."
BW&BK (CA)- "...Catchy guitars, memorable choruses and skilled song writing..."
ROCK REPORT (BE)- "...its simply too good ... ultra catchy "Just Thinkin' About U"..."
HARDROCK80 (FR)- "...Pleasure Maker assures grace to its compositions... will find its place in many CD shelves"
VALHALLA MAG. (BR)- " of the coolest rock CDs issued lately. Highly recommended..."
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